June 3, 2019 (FREDERICTON) – Nurses attending the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions Fredericton biennial convention are expected to take part in a media event protesting violence in health care workplaces at noon tomorrow.
The rally will take place at noon Tuesday June 4 in front of the Fredericton Convention Centre, 670 Queen Street.
The event is timed to coincide with the start of the criminal trial resulting from the beating of a Moncton registered nurse.
Nurses’ union presidents, Paula Doucet from New Brunswick, Debbie Forward from Newfoundland & Labrador, Janet Hazelton from Nova Scotia, Mona O’Shea from P.E.I., Vicki McKenna from Ontario, Darlene Jackson from Manitoba, Tracy Zambory from Saskatchewan and Heather Smith from Alberta, as well as CFNU President Linda Silas, are all expected to address media about the epidemic of violence in health care workplaces.
Journalists who wish to arrange an interview with CFNU President Linda Silas or any of the Canadian nurses union presidents at the rally should contact:
Ben René, CFNU Communications Officer, 613-406-5962, brene@nursesunions.ca
Lauren Snowball, CFNU Communications Officer, 613-868-5702, lsnowball@nursesunions.ca