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News & Events

July 9, 2024
Council of the Federation Media Release

Canada’s nurses unions pushing premiers for bold public health care transformation

Silas: We won’t let premiers forget that access to care relies on health care workers! July 9, 2024 (OTTAWA, ON) – As Canada’s premiers prepare to meet at the upcoming Council of the Federation next week, nurses unions are pressing provincial leaders to commit to a bold vision for public health care and ensure everyone […]

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April 16, 2024
Federal Budget Media Release

Budget 2024 brings healthy wins but falls short on fairness for nurses and patients

Silas: Federal leadership needed to make nursing jobs the best in our communities April 16, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – Canada’s nurses are encouraged by the federal government’s commitments in Budget 2024 to invest in healthy communities, including a national school food program, housing initiatives and pushing forward pharmacare implementation. “Health is connected to every facet […]

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March 14, 2024
Media Release

Crushing overcapacity pressures threaten to worsen nursing shortage and patient safety

Silas: Safe nurse-patient ratios critically needed to bring down the pressure and protect patient care March 14, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – Persistent staffing shortages have left nurses bearing the crushing weight of overcapacity health care systems across the country. Nurses are chronically working without sufficient resources, with seven in 10 nurses reporting workplaces that are […]

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March 13, 2024
Media Release

The CFNU joins FIQ at March 16 rally “It has to move!”

Silas: Together, we’ll make it clear, “L’union fait la force!” March 13, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – “Nurses and health care workers across the world are working under dire conditions that compromise their own health and jeopardize patient safety. Quebec is no exception,” explained Linda Silas, President of the 250,000-member-strong Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU). […]

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February 29, 2024
Media Release Pharmacare

Canada’s nurses unions celebrate introduction of national pharmacare program

Silas: If implemented correctly, the foundation laid today will save countless lives. February 29, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – “Nurses and health care workers have long called for a national pharmacare program to ensure everyone in Canada has access to the medication they need. Today we celebrate a victory that has been years in the making,” […]

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January 11, 2024
Media Release Occupational Health & Safety

Heart disease, drowsy driving and patient safety: new study reveals grim impact of nurse fatigue

Silas: With nurses working longer hours than ever before, we must proactively address nurse fatigue. January 11, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – A new report from the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) sheds light on the dire impact excessively long working hours have on nurses and their patients. Released today, Safe Hours Save Lives reveals […]

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November 7, 2023
Council of the Federation Media Release

Nurses urge premiers to stay focused on solving the nationwide nursing shortage

Silas: Nurses and patients need to see action that matches the urgency of this crisis. November 7, 2023 (OTTAWA, ON) – “Premiers can not lose sight of just how critically important tackling the nationwide nursing shortage is to bringing Canada out of this health care crisis,” warned Linda Silas, president of the Canadian Federation of […]

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October 19, 2023
Media Release

New report highlights pan-Canadian need for safe staffing to protect patient safety

Silas: To protect patient safety, we need to better retain nurses. October 19, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – Amidst chronic staffing shortages, hospital inpatient units across Canada have seen a rise in the rate of unintentional harm to patients for the third year in a row, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). At […]

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October 13, 2023
Health Human Resources Media Release

CFNU encouraged by health ministers’ commitment to retain and support nurses

Silas: Health ministers heard our message loud and clear – we must stop spending money on costly private staffing and invest in committed, permanent nurses. October 13, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – Canada’s nurses unions are encouraged by governments’ collaborative commitments to bolster the health care workforce, following this week’s productive meetings in P.E.I. “Repairing our […]

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October 12, 2023
Health Human Resources Media Release

Canada’s nurses unions bring nursing shortage solutions to health ministers at policy briefing

Silas: Growing reliance on private staffing agencies and excessive hours of work are failing patients and nurses across Canada. October 12, 2023 (CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I.) – Phasing out private nursing agencies and ensuring safe hours of work were the focus of today’s policy briefing between Canada’s union nurses and federal, provincial and territorial health ministers. “Relying […]

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