Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Health workers in short supply at SA tourism hotspots during national shortage
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Headline: Nurses union calls for full-time hours to be slashed
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Headline: ‘The hospital system is broken’: Mother unable to see premature twins for days
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Headline: Patients out of patience: record numbers give up on NSW emergency departments
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Headline: Longer wait times at Blue Mountains and Nepean Hospitals revealed in latest hospital statistics
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Headline: Queensland Greens push for free nursing and midwifery degrees to combat staff shortages
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Headline: Coffs Coast Nurses And Midwives Demand Staffing Ratios
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Headline: How unions make workplace mental health more than an annual check-in
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Headline: Economy and health at risk from cuts to COVID restrictions
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Headline: Strike numbers reflect a true crisis
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Headline: Weekly Wrap: Nurses make a stand
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Headline: Nurses, midwives go on strike over staffing ratios at Armidale, Moree
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Manchete: PARALISAÇÃO DA ENFERMAGEM: Categoria pode cruzar os braços após últimas noticias sobre o PISO SALARIAL DA ENFERMAGEM
Headline: NURSING STOP: Category can fold its arms after the latest news about the NURSING WAGE FLOOR
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Manchete: Enfermeiros da Paraíba aprovam estado permanente de greve
Headline: Nurses in Paraíba approve permanent state of strike
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Manchete: Enfermeiros sinalizam greve contra suspensão do novo piso salarial
Headline: Nurses signal strike against suspension of new salary floor
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Manchete: Trabalhadores da enfermagem convocam paralisação para o dia 21 em todas as regiões do país
Headline: Nursing workers call for a strike for the 21st in all regions of the country
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Manchete: Enfermeiros do Rio de Janeiro iniciam paralisação
Headline: Nurses in Rio de Janeiro start work stoppage
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Manchete: Enfermeiros preparam uma greve nacional para a próxima semana
Headline: Nurses prepare a national strike for next week
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Manchete: CNS repudia decisão de ministro Luís Roberto Barroso e reforça apoio ao Piso Salarial da Enfermagem
Headline: CNS repudiates the decision of Minister Luís Roberto Barroso and reinforces support for the Nursing Salary Floor
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Manchete: Notícia – Enfermeiros podem parar no dia 19, caso STF não revogue suspensão da Lei do Piso
Headline: News – Nurses may stop on the 19th, if STF does not revoke suspension of the Floor Law
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Manchete: Em Pernambuco, Sindicato dos Enfermeiros pede greve geral após ministro do STF suspender piso salarial
Headline: In Pernambuco, Nurses Union calls for general strike after STF minister suspends salary floor
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Manchete: Federação Nacional dos Enfermeiros fala em “paralisação geral” após STF suspender piso salarial
Headline: National Federation of Nurses talks about “general stoppage” after STF suspends salary floor
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Manchete: Após suspensão do piso salarial, presidente do Sindicato dos Enfermeiros não descarta greve
Headline: After suspension of the salary floor, president of the Nurses Union does not rule out strike
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Manchete: Suspensão do piso nacional da enfermagem requer mobilização da categoria
Headline: Suspension of the national nursing minimum salary leads to mobilization of the category
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Manchete: STF suspende Piso Salarial da Enfermagem e categoria organiza mobilização nacional
Headline: STF suspends Nursing Salary Floor and category organizes national mobilization
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Headline: Staff at Extendicare facilities say they are in the dark as SHA takeover approaches
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Headline: Overwhelmed Winnipeg emergency department leaves seriously sick, injured patients waiting for care
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Headline: The war on nurses feels like Groundhog Day
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Headline: Unions challenge Doug Ford’s wage-cap legislation in court
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Headline: Health-care workers, patients sound alarm after Eastern Health warns of ‘unprecedented pressures’ in ERs
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Headline: Canada’s real problem is not job losses, it’s the rush to retire
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Headline: A private surgical clinic in central Alberta will be a problem not a solution, say nurses
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Headline: Emergency room wait times in Ontario ballooned in July, data shows
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Headline: Nurses’ union at Hamilton Health Sciences raising operating room safety concerns at Juravinski and other hospitals
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Headline: ‘HEARTBREAKING’: Doctors, nurses struggle to combat emergency department woes
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Headline: Labour Day marked by worker advocacy
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Headline: Labour Day: the state of the union
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Headline: Happy Labour Day: the tide of workers who wish they had a union is growing
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Headline: Sask. government unveils plan to hire, retain more health-care professionals
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Headline: Exam criticized as too tough now optional for some internationally trained nurses in Manitoba
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Headline: $15/hour minimum wage ‘just doesn’t cut it’ amid rising cost of living, union organizer says at labour march
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Titre: Les infirmières travaillent près de 70 heures par semaine pendant un an
Headline: Nurses work almost 70 hours a week for a year
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Headline: Unregulated health-care workers assisting in surgeries at HHS
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Headline: OPINION: Desire to move more to health-care privatization should make Ontarians sick
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Headline: Hospital delivers ‘flippant communication’ amid outage: PR expert
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Titular: Sindicatos de la Caja dicen que ajuste salarial no puede ser revocado por más presión que ejerzan Gobierno y diputados
Headline: Unions say that salary adjustment cannot be revoked due to more pressure exerted by the Government and deputies
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Titular: Gremios de enfermería piden al Gobierno cumplir con pacto acordado
Headline: Nursing unions ask the Government to comply with the agreed pact
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Titular: Enfermeras tomarán acciones por incumplimiento de acuerdos por Gobierno
Headline: Nurses will take action for non-compliance with agreements by the Government
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Titular: Sindicalistas de Salud piden analizar incentivo económico para trabajadores
Headline: Health unionists ask for analysis of economic incentives for workers
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Headline: Concern over potential ‘perfect storm’ hitting hospitals this winter as 20 children await beds
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Headline: Overcrowding at Cork University Hospital ‘frightening’
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Headline: INMO records over 550 admitted patients waiting for beds at Irish hospitals today
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Headline: Meaningful action needed to prevent winter crisis in hospitals
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Headline: ‘Grim winter ahead’ for hospitals with ‘out of control’ overcrowding
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Headline: Covid-19 pandemic bonus payments further delayed for non-HSE frontline staff
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Headline: Overcrowding at Naas Hospital breaks the record
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Headline: INMO says nurses and midwives’ wellbeing must be Budget priority
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Headline: Record number of patients waiting for beds in MUH
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Headline: INMO calls for more publicly funded third-level nursing places to address shortfalls
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Titolo: Ospedali: Nursind, infermieri ‘bloccati’ a Pantelleria
Headline: Hospitals: Nursind, nurses ‘blocked’ in Pantelleria
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Titolo: Palermo, il Nursind: “Rinnovare i contratti Oss a Villa Sofia-Cervello”
Headline: Palermo, the Nursind: “Renew the Oss contracts at Villa Sofia-Cervello”
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Titolo: Campania, Nursind sollecita il recepimento delle linee di indirizzo nazionali sui pronto soccorso
Headline: Campania, Nursind urges the implementation of the national guidelines on first aid
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Titolo: Nursind Piemonte: “Che fine hanno fatto i soldi del decreto Calabria?”
Headline: Nursind Piemonte: “What happened to the money of the Calabria decree?”
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Titolo: Carbocci (Nursind Pisa): “Sanità assente dal dibattito elettorale”
Headline: Carbocci (Nursind Pisa): “Healthcare absent from the electoral debate”
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Titolo: Nursind: “Solo no alle nostre richieste, faremo una manifestazione”
Headline: Nursind: “Just no to our requests, we will make a demonstration”
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Titolo: Sanita’. Nursind: “Sistema Al Collasso, Ma Nessun Candidato Ne Parla”
Headline: Health. Nursind: “System to Collapse, But No Candidate Talks About It”
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Titolo: Sanità in Irpinia, la denuncia del Nursind: “Dimenticati dai candidati”
Headline: Health in Irpinia, Nursind’s complaint: “Forgotten by the candidates”
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Headline: New steps to boost nurse numbers
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Headline: Little met with silent protest over nurses’ pay equity agreement
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Headline: Kerri Nuku | Kaiwhakahaere for the NZ Nurses Organisation
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Headline: Health workers rally in front of House of Representatives
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Headline: DOH proposed 2023 budget increases, but funds for PHC, NKTI, other items slashed
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Headline: Bill seeks P50,000 monthly pay for public, private nurses
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Headline: DOH seeks amendment to Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
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Filipino: P50K sahod kada buwan, hirit ng Pinoy nurses
Headline: Pinoy nurses should earn P50K per month
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Headline: DOH urges House to restore health workers’ benefits, cancer assistance fund
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Headline: DOH says it supports proposed nurses’ wage hike, but budget needed
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Headline: DOH chief hopes for release of HCW benefits in coming days
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Manchete: Sindicato dos Enfermeiros quer condições iguais entre antigas PPP e os hospitais públicos
Headline: Nurses Union wants equal conditions between former PPP and public hospitals
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Manchete: Falta de condições e de valorização de enfermeiros deixa vagas por preencher
Headline: Lack of conditions and appreciation of nurses leaves vacancies unfilled
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Manchete: Sindicato exige contratação de enfermeiros para campanha de vacinação gripe e Covid-19
Headline: Union demands hiring nurses for flu and Covid-19 vaccination campaign
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Manchete: Enfermeiros dos Hospitais de Vila Franca de Xira e Loures exigem melhores condições
Headline: Nurses at Vila Franca de Xira and Loures Hospitals demand better conditions
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Manchete: Enfermeiros do Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira entregam esta manhã abaixo-assinado a exigir 35 horas semanais de trabalho
Headline: This morning, nurses at the Vila Franca de Xira Hospital deliver a petition demanding 35 hours of work per week
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Headline: Denosa says dark-skinned nurses were “mistaken to be foreigners” by Operation Dudula
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Headline: Patient-on-patient violence in Western Cape health facilities bulk of reported complaints
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Titular: Satse contabiliza una enfermera escolar por cada 1.428 alumnos, lo que califica de “insuficiente”
Headline: Satse counts one school nurse for every 1,428 students, which it describes as “insufficient”
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Titular: SATSE denuncia que en Madrid «no hay suficientes enfermeras escolares»
Headline: SATSE denounces that in Madrid “there are not enough school nurses”
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Titular: Satse pide que se ponga “ya una fecha” al segundo examen para acceder a la especialidad de Enfermería Familiar
Headline: Satse asks that “a date” be set for the second exam to access the specialty of Family Nursing
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Titular: Satse y Ayuntamiento se reúnen para tratar el aumento de la mortalidad en León
Headline: Satse and the City Council meet to deal with the increase in mortality in León
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Titular: SATSE: “Nuestra sanidad pública exige un mayor presupuesto y un cambio de modelo”
Headline: SATSE: “Our public health requires a larger budget and a change of model”
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Titular: Satse exige el funcionamiento de las bolsas de empleo de enfermeras especialistas de Sacyl
Headline: Satse demands activation of the employment exchanges for specialist nurses from Sacyl
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Titular: Satse denuncia discriminación en los permisos de formación de las enfermeras de León
Headline: Satse denounces discrimination in training permits for nurses in León
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Titular: Satse critica que el Gobierno foral “no apuesta” por la enfermera escolar
Headline: Satse criticizes that the Provincial Government “does not bet” on the school nurse
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Headline: MPs should have to walk in weary nurses’ shoes
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Headline: WHO warns of nursing workforce ‘ticking timebomb’ in UK and Europe
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Headline: Guernsey nursing union rejects States pay offer
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Headline: ‘Disappointment’ over nursing omission in new health secretary’s priorities
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Headline: NHS nearing collapse and must be new PM’s top priority, warn nurses balloting to strike
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Headline: Minnesota nurses strike ends
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Headline: Thousands of striking nurses return to work in Minnesota
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Headline: Nurses go on strike at Twin Cities, Duluth area hospitals
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Headline: Economics In Brief: Nurses Demand Better Work Conditions With A Series of Walkouts
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Headline: Historic 3-day nurse strike begins Monday
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Headline: Largest private-sector nurses strike in U.S. history begins in Minnesota
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Headline: Thousands of Minnesota Nurses Go on Strike Over Retention, Staffing, Pay – WSJ
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Headline: Without delays, Mission employee $22M pay raises go live, union claims ‘big wage victory’
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Headline: Thousands on the picket line as Minnesota Nurses strike continues
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Headline: Minnesota Nurses Begin Largest Private Sector Nurses’ Strike in U.S. History
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Headline: ‘Understaffed and overworked’: Thousands of Minnesota nurses go on strike
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Headline: Day 2 of strike: Thousands of nurses return to picket line Tuesday
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Headline: UPDATED: Strike of 15,000 Minnesota nurses continues into second day
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Headline: Massive health care strike: 15,000 Minnesota nurses walk off the job
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Headline: Thousands of Minnesota nurses launch 3-day strike over pay
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Headline: Nurses in Minnesota are in the middle of a 3-day strike
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Headline: Pay, staffing and fatigue: Minnesota nurses strike highlights worsening shortages across US
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Headline: Minnesota nurses strike Day 2: no deal reached, Walz shows support
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Headline: 15,000 nurses just walked out of work. Here’s what you need to know about one of the largest strikes in the sector’s history
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Headline: Thousands of nurses in Minnesota go on strike over better working conditions
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Headline: Hospitals force 15K nurses into largest private-sector nurses strike ever
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Headline: Strike by 15,000 Minnesota nurses reaches final day
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Headline: Minnesota nurses strike: What happens next?
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Headline: No deal reached as the Minnesota nurses’ strike comes to a close: What happens next?
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Headline: Minnesota nurses return to work after three-day strike
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Headline: With strike over, Minnesota nurses hope it helped contract negotiations
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Headline: University of Chicago Medicine to acquire controlling interest in hospitals in west suburbs
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Headline: University of Chicago Medical Center nurses protest staffing levels, claim patient safety is at risk
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Headline: UM nurses authorize union to call a strike if negotiations falter
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Headline: Maine workers celebrate Labor Day amid wave of union organizing
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Headline: Listen: Minnesota Nurses Association announces 3-day strike — largest in U.S. history – Duluth News Tribune
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Headline: Terrified Nurses Build Barricade After Patient Threatened Them, Police Say
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Headline: Hospitals call strike unlawful, nurses union responds
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Headline: Patients before profits: 15,000 Minnesota nurses to strike
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Headline: Minnesota Nurses Association Announces the Largest Nursing Strike in U.S. History
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Headline: Some Minnesota Hospitals Reportedly Dismissed Concerns Of Nurses Of Color Amid Plans For Historic Strike
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Headline: Nurses Picket Kaiser Permanent, Complain of Short Staffing and Stalled Contract Talks
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Headline: Kaiser nurses picket across state for better health safety, short staffing
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Headline: University of Michigan nurses authorize strike
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Headline: University of Michigan nurses overwhelmingly vote to authorize call for a strike
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Headline: Michigan Medicine nurses union votes to authorize a strike against unfair labor practices
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Headline: U-M nurses vote to authorize strike over alleged unfair labor practices
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Headline: The Catholic Church, American labor unions, and the New Left
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Headline: Austin laborers hold Union Solidarity rally
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Headline: This Labor Day comes amid nationwide wave of unionizing, workers rising up
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Headline: The Labor of Labor: Forced Birth Is Forced Work
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Headline: Workers across industries are demanding abortion protections from their employers
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Headline: EMU faculty votes overwhelmingly to authorize strike
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Headline: Escanaba holds annual Labor Day celebration
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Headline: Duluth leaders bullish on future of labor movement
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Headline: Twin Cities labor leaders celebrate resurgence ‘This is a historic moment’
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Headline: Unions feel positive vibe on Labor Day
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Headline: Senate DFLers Support Minnesota’s Nurses in Fight for Fair Wages and Better Conditions
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Headline: Weekend talks produce no deal; nursing strike looms in Minnesota
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Headline: DC Nurses Say Staffing Shortages a Major Issue
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Headline: Minnesota hospitals plan to be at or near full operations as nurses strike
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Headline: Minnesota hospitals prepare for large Sept. 12 strike
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Headline: Dept. of Veterans Affairs To Begin Providing Abortion Care
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Headline: Court bounces another union try for permanent federal coronavirus protection
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Headline: Two nurses assaulted each hour on average, data shows
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Headline: Economics In Brief: Nurses Demand Better Work Conditions With A Series of Walkouts
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Headline: Kaiser Permanente nurses hold informational pickets for nurse and patient safety