Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Nursing emerges as top career choice, Victorian uni data reveals
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Headline: Nurses say staff problems have moved with patients into new building
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Headline: NSWNMA Says Staffing Shortage Is Putting Strain On The Health System
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Manchete: Profissionais da Saúde enfrentam demissões após controle da covid em Sergipe
Headline: Health professionals face layoffs after covid comes under control in Sergipe
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Headline: NBNU Launches Campaign Illustrating Realities Nurses Face Every Day
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Headline: Guelph General intensifies recruitment efforts to fill 67 vacant nursing positions
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Headline: As Sask. health care system buckles, critical nursing shortage looms
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Headline: Southlakes nurses seek your support to get staffing concerns heard by province
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Headline: Nova Scotia to offer jobs to all graduating nurses
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Headline: Nova Scotia guarantees jobs for all nursing graduates over next five years
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Titre: La FIQ proposera des solutions au CISSS-AT pour l’urgence de Senneterre
Headline: The FIQ will propose solutions to the CISSS-AT for the Senneterre emergency
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Titre: Bas-Saint-Laurent : des enjeux de recrutement demeurent criants
Headline: Bas-Saint-Laurent: recruitment challenges remain glaring
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Titular: ANEAH denuncia atrasos para evaluar para los nombramientos permanentes
Headline: ANEAH reports delays in evaluating permanent appointments
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Titular: Contagios de Covid-19 en enfermeros auxiliares aumentan en 12%
Headline: Covid-19 infections in auxiliary nurses increase by 12%
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Headline: Irish nurses group calls for more protection at work after over 4000 reports of assault
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Headline: INMO plead for booster shots, as 371 nurses and midwives infected with Covid-19 in last month
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Headline: Covid in Ireland: Give boosters to frontline staff, urges nurses’ group
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Headline: Munster has two of the country’s five most overcrowded hospitals
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Headline: SHOCK: Over 4000 assaults on Irish nurses and midwives last year, says INMO
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Headline: More protection needed for healthcare workers after almost 9k abuse reports
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Titolo: Trasferimenti infermieri bloccati, il Nursind “Razza intervenga”
Headline: Nurse transfers blocked, the Nursind “Race to intervene”
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Titolo: Nursind: sit-in nel parcheggio del Santo Stefano
Headline: Nursind: sit-in in the Santo Stefano car park
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Titolo: Aggressione al pronto soccorso di Vittoria, il Nursind: basta violenza
Headline: Aggression in Vittoria’s emergency room, the Nursind: enough violence
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Headline: Health workers denounce P170-million cut in RITM budget
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Headline: Tondo Medical Center health workers press for salary, health budget increase
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Headline: Robredo calls for urgent aid for health care workers
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Headline: Philippine nurses now battling low morale pandemic
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Manchete: “Traíram-nos sempre”. Enfermeiros preparam luta na próxima legislatura
Headline: “They always betrayed us.” Nurses prepare for fight in the next legislature
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Headline: Denosa urges hospitals and clinics to service back-up generators amidst rolling blackouts
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Headline: Denosa urges healthcare facilities to service back-up generators
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Titular: Satse denuncia la promoción de una fiesta en un local de Talavera con imágenes de enfermeras “totalmente inapropiadas”
Headline: Satse denounces the promotion of a party in Talavera with “totally inappropriate” images of nurses
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Titular: Una encuesta del Satse revela la escasez de enfermeros
Headline: Satse survey reveals nursing shortage
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Titular: Enfermeras andaluzas: “Donamos sangre contra la sangría de contratos”
Headline: Andalusian nurses: “We donate blood to stop the bleeding of contracts”
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Headline: Royal College of Nursing could vote on strike action
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Headline: More cash needed to bring NHS back from the brink, warn nurses
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Headline: Why we need a new deal for nurses
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Headline: Nurses say levelling up is ‘lip service’ if lessons aren’t learnt from Covid health inequalities
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Headline: Nurses reach tentative deal at Community First Medical Center
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Headline: Expand Medicare or Say Hello Again to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
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Headline: Nurses union calls on FTC to investigate sale of 5 Salt Lake City hospitals
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Headline: NNU Applauds OSHA Move to Enforce Covid Safety Standards in Non-Compliant States
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Headline: HCA’s pandemic financial bonanza: Profits tripled in 3Q over 2020
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Headline: Is Covid Really to Blame for the Nursing Shortage?
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Headline: ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID
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Headline: Pandemic bonus pay proposal talks end in failure to compromise
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Headline: Nurses and techs from UPHS-Marquette holding community rally for fair contract negotiations
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Headline: ‘Are You Going To Keep Me Safe?’
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Headline: OSHA to states: Protect workers from COVID or forfeit authority
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Headline: Health care workers exhausted: ‘We’re fighting this battle, and it just keeps coming and coming.”
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Headline: Chicago hospital averts strike with new labor deal
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Headline: UPHS-Marquette nurses and tech staff rally for fair contract negotiations
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Headline: Sparrow Hospital health workers to hold informational picket to highlight health system inaction on staffing issues
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Headline: UPHS-Marquette nurses to rally ahead of union negotiations