Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Visa changes lower the bar for migrants to fill in-demand jobs
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Headline: Immigration and big business
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Headline: Mackay Base Hospital midwives furious after senior staff who ignored complaints about patient safety remain employed
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Manchete: Covid causou a morte de ao menos 4.500 profissionais de saúde no Brasil
Headline: Covid caused the death of at least 4,500 health professionals in Brazil
Manchete: PISO SALARIAL ENFERMAGEM: salário da enfermagem nos EUA surpreende em comparação com o Brasil
Headline: WAGE FLOOR NURSING: nursing salary in the US is surprising compared to Brazil
Headline: Ottawa police used a new law to charge man with hate crimes targeting health worker
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Headline: ‘I can’t do this anymore’: How to fix Canada’s nursing crisis
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Headline: Nursing Shortage Forces Emergency Room Closures Across Canada
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Headline: Ontarians still facing long wait times for care as emergency department closures persist
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Headline: New report paints grim picture of emergency room wait times in Ontario
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Headline: ‘Calm, not more chaos’: Alberta health-care workers call for stability after Smith’s win
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Headline: Manitoba nurses post Twitter SOS amid Grace Hospital ICU staff shortage
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Titular: Enfermeras piden aumento salarial en hospital
Headline: Nurses ask for salary increase in hospital
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Titular: Secretaría de Salud mantiene en empleo formal solo al 42% de enfermeras del país
Headline: Ministry of Health maintains in formal employment only 42% of nurses in the country
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Headline: ‘Those who dug with their hands’: heroic frontline workers praised for Donegal response
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Headline: INMO warns of ‘dangerous overcrowding’ at Mater hospital
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Headline: INMO calls on government to remove recruitment red tape this winter
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Headline: Hundreds of people waiting for beds at Irish hospitals – INMO
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Headline: Govt will not oppose healthcare pay rise motion
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Titolo: NurSind Emilia Romagna. Antonella Rodigliano eletta coordinatore regionale
Headline: NurSind Emilia Romagna. Antonella Rodigliano elected regional coordinator
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Titolo: Friuli, tecnici non sanitari per coprire i buchi d’organico alla centrale 118: lo sdegno degli infermieri
Headline: Friuli, non-health technicians to cover the gaps in staff at the 118 station: the indignation of the nurses
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Titolo: PIEMONTE – Nursind: “Che fine ha fatto il Dirmei?”
Headline: PIEDMONT – Nursind: “What happened to the Dirmei?”
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Titolo: Nursind del Perugino, il nuovo Direttivo e le cariche assegnate
Headline: Nursind del Perugino, the new Board and the offices assigned
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Titolo: Infermieri, Giuseppe Savasta riconfermato alla guida del NurSind Ragusa
Headline: Nurses, Giuseppe Savasta reconfirmed at the helm of NurSind Ragusa
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Headline: Revealed: Just 12 nurses have arrived in New Zealand under Government’s controversial residency visa
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Headline: Whangārei hospital nurse says staff shortages affecting patient safety
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Headline: Amputee terrified after sexual harassment on Hutt Hospital ward
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Titular: Profesionales de la salud acatarán paro de 48 horas
Headline: Health professionals will abide by a 48-hour strike
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Titular: Profesionales de la salud confirman paro y no atenderán consultas externas el 12 y 13 de octubre
Headline: Health professionals confirm strike and will not attend external consultations on October 12 and 13
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Headline: Nurses’ lament: ‘Gov’t not giving us reasons to stay’
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Headline: Marcos’ 100 days: No DOH secretary, unpaid health workers’ benefits
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Manchete: Enfermeiros indignados com método da avaliação do biénio 2019-2020 na região Centro
Headline: Nurses outraged by the assessment method for the 2019-2020 biennium in the Centro region
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Manchete: Sindicatos pedem medidas para evitar falta de enfermeiros no SNS
Headline: Unions ask for measures to avoid lack of nurses in the SNS
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Headline: Government’s wage offer is ‘insulting and disrespectful’ – public servants
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Headline: Public sector strike on the cards after government’s wage offer was withdrawn
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Headline: Nurses At EC’s Dora Nginza Hospital To Return To Work On Monday
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Headline: Medical Staffing Issues in Hospitals: Press Conference & Testimonial Event
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Titular: 30.000 enfermeros piden al Gobierno poder jubilarse de manera anticipada
Headline: 30,000 nurses ask the Government to be able to retire early
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Titular: Satse demanda la implantación generalizada de la enfermera escolar en todos los centros educativos
Headline: Satse demands the widespread implementation of the school nurse in all educational centers
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Titular: “El grave problema es la falta de enfermeras en España”
Headline: “The serious problem is the lack of nurses in Spain”
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Headline: North Wales health board has more than 600 nursing vacancies amid call for better pay and conditions
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Headline: Health secretary says nurses won’t get better pay offer as walkouts loom
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Headline: ‘I see no other option’: NHS nurses on potential strikes
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Headline: Thérèse Coffey says nurses won’t get higher pay offer as strike vote looms
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Headline: Bullying, misogyny and sexual culture at Royal College of Nursing, inquiry finds
Headline: Florida nurse reflects on impact of Hurricane Ian, hospital recovery
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Headline: Michigan Nurses Just Won a Groundbreaking Contract
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Headline: Psychiatric Nurse Quits Dream Job After Too Much Violence
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Headline: LA mayoral candidates Bass, Caruso weigh in on racist remarks in leaked audio
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Headline: California Nurses Applaud Law Guaranteeing Breaks for Hospital Workers
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Headline: Union Representation Petitions Soar: The Working People Weekly List
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Headline: Community Groups, Leaders, and LA Council Resignations Over Racist Comments
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Headline: DFL candidates meet with nurses in Worthington to talk healthcare concerns
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Headline: Florida nurse reflects on impact of Hurricane Ian, hospital recovery
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Headline: Nurses at Steward Health Care hospitals approve new contracts
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Headline: The Buzz 10.13.22
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Headline: US Supreme Court hears oral arguments in case involving overtime pay for highly-compensated employee
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Headline: DFL candidates meet with nurses in Worthington to talk healthcare concerns