Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Manchete: Enfermeiros em greve a partir da próxima segunda-feira em todo o País
Headline: Nurses on strike starting next Monday across the country
Headline: ANMF Welcomes 15% Increase to Award Wages for Aged Care Workers
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Headline: Paid parking restrictions at shopping centres to pass as SA government agrees to deal for hospital workers
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Headline: Wage caps leave nurses and midwives $120,000 out of pocket, report finds
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Headline: Wage cap hits NSW nurses into retirement
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Manchete: PISO SALARIAL ENFERMAGEM: LULA é cobrado por Sindicato de Enfermagem para cumprir promessa do piso
Headline: NURSING WAGE FLOOR: LULA is charged by the Nursing Union to fulfill the promise of the floor
Headline: Amid fears health system is buckling, Toronto hospitals to issue alerts about overcrowded ERs
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Headline: BCNU’s annual convention kicks off with show of support from national nurse leaders
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Headline: Lakeshore Hospital ER A ‘Time Bomb’ Due To Critical Staff Shortage, Chronic Overcrowding: Report
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Headline: Understaffed and underequipped: Report shines light on struggles at Montreal ER
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Headline: Union members set to protest anti-strike legislation outside Ontario Ministry of Labour
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Headline: Is Ontario’s ‘unprecedented’ step to move teens to adult ICUs ‘effective planning’ — or something else?
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Titre: Agressions sexuelles: Vitalité veut former plus d’infirmières
Headline: Sexual assault: Vitalité wants to train more nurses
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Titre: Une application pour gérer l’horaire des infirmières
Headline: An application to manage the schedule of nurses
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Headline: Over 400 nursing vacancies across Waterloo region and Brant County
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Headline: Interior Health responds to growing safety concerns at Penticton, B.C. Regional Hospital
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Headline: Amidst staffing shortages, how does the province get more nurses to the front lines?
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Headline: Debunking 5 myths about Saskatchewan’s nursing shortage
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Headline: Critics call for changes to Manitoba’s ‘unacceptable’ English proficiency test requirement for nurses
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Headline: NBNU Says Use Of Travel Nurses “Unfortunate”
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Headline: ‘Incredible need’ Newfoundland and Labrador government setting up nursing recruitment desk in Bengaluru, India
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Titular: ¡Enhorabuena! Autoridades de Salud y la ANEEAH logran acuerdos tras diálogo
Headline: Congratulations! Health authorities and ANEEAH reach agreements after dialogue
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Titular: Contratar gente inoperante en cargos claves complica administración de hospitales, critica titular de la ANEEAH
Headline: Hiring ineffective people in key positions complicates hospital administration, ANEEAH head criticizes
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Titular: Enfermeras logran acuerdo y suspenden huelgas “momentaneamente”
Headline: Nurses reach agreement and suspend strikes “momentarily”
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Headline: IELTS, OET score relief opens UK’s door for more nurses
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Headline: Hospitals will be in a ‘perilous state this winter’ unless there is meaningful intervention from the Government and HSE, says INMO
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Headline: Women and babies ‘at risk’ in Tipperary because of staff shortages, warn midwives
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Headline: ‘People on trolleys need hospital treatment — they are not drunks waiting to sober up and go home’
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Headline: Cork hospital’s INMO Trolleywatch total for October is the highest on record
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Headline: BOTTEGA (NURSIND): Good Signing CCNL, But It Is Only A First Step
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Titolo: Nuovo contratto sanità, 175 euro in più e lavoro agile
Headline: New health contract, 175 euros more and flexible work
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Titolo: Agli infermieri 400 mila euro di risarcimento per demansionamento. NurSind vince in tribunale
Headline: To nurses 400 thousand euros in compensation for demotion. NurSind wins in court
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Titolo: Nursind: “Tocca alla Regione fissare i criteri per stabilizzare i sanitari”
Headline: Nursind: “It’s up to the Region to set the criteria to stabilize health care”
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Titolo: Bottega (Nursind): “il SSN è allo sbando, servono nuove risorse Legge Bilancio per Infermieri”.
Headline: Bottega (Nursind): “the NHS is in disarray, new resources are needed for the Budget Law for Nurses”.
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Titolo: NurSind firma contratto. Bottega: ‘ La nostra battaglia continua”
Headline: NurSind signs the contract. Bottega: ‘Our battle continues ”
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Titolo: Catania. Nursind: “Ospedale Cannizzaro condannato per demansionamento degli infermieri”
Headline: Catania. Nursind: “Cannizzaro hospital sentenced for demotion of nurses”
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Headline: Questions as wards closed in Kisumu over lack of enough staff
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Headline: Diploma nurses eye level pay with degree holders on upgrade
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Headline: Hospitals nationwide remain stretched to their limits
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Headline: Christchurch Hospital stretched to capacity
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Titular: Ministra de salud promete lograr mejores condiciones laborales para los trabajadores
Headline: Health Minister promises to achieve better working conditions for workers
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Titular: 1.425 servidores del Minsa a un paso de ser nombrados
Headline: 1,425 Minsa professionals one step away from being appointed
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Manchete: Sindicato dos Enfermeiros Portugueses entrega pré-aviso de greve de três dias em novembro
Headline: Portuguese Nurses Union delivers three-day strike notice in November
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Headline: Portuguese Nurses Union Presents Strike Notice For November 17
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Manchete: Enfermeiros regressam às greves em novembro
Headline: Nurses return to strikes in November
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Manchete: Enfermeiros com greve marcada para 17, 22 e 23 de novembro
Headline: Nurses on strike scheduled for November 17, 22 and 23
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Manchete: Enfermeiros marcam quatro dias de greve em novembro
Headline: Nurses mark four days of strike in November
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Headline: Public Service Unions Given Go-Ahead To Strike Against 3% Wage Hike
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Headline: Public service unions to picket over wages
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Headline: Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain hospital Underfunded and overburdened
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Headline: Medical Staffing Issues in Hospitals: Press Conference & Testimonial Event
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Titular: SATSE reclama que enfermeras y fisioterapeutas estén en el Grupo A
Headline: SATSE claims that nurses and physiotherapists are in Group A
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Titular: Satse pide 200 enfermeras más para el Hospital de Salamanca
Headline: Satse demands 200 more nurses for Salamanca Hospital
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Titular: SATSE Soria pide que el refuerzo de enfermeras de noche en el Virgen del Mirón se consolide en la plantilla del centro
Headline: SATSE Soria requests that the reinforcement of night nurses in the Virgen del Mirón be consolidated in the center’s staff
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Titular: SATSE celebra unas jornadas profesionales en los centros sanitarios de La Rioja el próximo 23 de noviembre
Headline: SATSE celebrates professional conferences in the health centers of La Rioja on November 23
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Titular: SATSE reparte en Ceuta carteles y dípticos para reclamar que enfermeras y fisioterapeutas estén en el Grupo A
Headline: SATSE distributes posters and brochures in Ceuta to claim that nurses and physiotherapists are in Group A
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Headline: Votes counted after biggest strike ballot in Royal College of Nursing’s history
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Headline: RCN’s largest ever strike ballot comes to a close
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Headline: Nurses are at breaking point – we’re voting to strike because patient safety has been lost
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Headline: EXCLUSIVE: Public support for NHS workers going on strike on rise – 65% of Brits back nurses walkout
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Headline: Action needed on air pollution and access to green spaces to protect health
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Headline: New York hospital to raise nurses’ pay by 27% over 5 years
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Headline: Column: Finding solutions to New Hampshire’s health care worker shortage
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Headline: NY Nurses Association Growing to Aid Union Efforts
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Headline: Nurses’ union says LCMC acquisition of Tulane hospitals will lead to higher prices, worse care
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Headline: Nurses urge AG to intervene in sale of Louisiana hospitals
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Headline: The last bed on the left
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Headline: Westchester Medical Center And New York State Nurses Association Reach A Five-Year Contract Agreement
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Headline: Union plans rally after strike by 15,000 Minnesota nurses
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Headline: Workplace violence against nurses is on the rise, survey says
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Headline: Union nurses take fight to hospital board members as negotiations stall
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Headline: Minnesota nurses criticize hospital board members amid contract negotiations
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Headline: It’s not just politicians: American workers are facing a sharp spike in threats and violence
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Headline: Nurses Fed Up With Working Conditions Hope New Union Contracts Help
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Headline: New York’s largest nurses union has joined forces with largest national union: What does it mean for healthcare?
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Headline: ‘The pandemic is not over’: Health experts warn of winter COVID surge amid fewer safety precautions
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Headline: Hundreds of Minnesota nurses march inside banks, call out executives
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Headline: MNA nurses hold rally in downtown Minneapolis Wednesday
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Headline: Nurses rally, accuse bankers of ‘being responsible for what’s going on at our hospitals’
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Headline: Northwell Health Hospital Employees Rally for Fair Union Contracts
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Headline: BREAKING NEWS: Montefiore nurses, residents want to be heard