Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Better nurse/midwife patient ratios will ease workloads and improve care
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Headline: Health war renewed as Vic poll heats up
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Manchete: Enfermeiros sinalizam greve contra suspensão do novo piso salarial pelo STF
Headline: Nurses signal strike against suspension of new salary floor by STF
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Headline: Nurses urge health ministers to ‘take the money and work with it’
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Headline: Health-care talks go off the rails with no new deal between Ottawa and provinces
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Headline: Union representing Quebec nurses submits its new contract demands
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Titre: Le syndicat régional de la FIQ dépose ses demandes
Headline: The FIQ regional union submits its demands
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Titre: Des infirmières en Outaouais veulent des hausses salariales pour faire face à l’inflation
Headline: Nurses in Outaouais want salary increases to cope with inflation
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Titre: Négociations : importante offensive en santé pour la Montérégie
Headline: Negotiations: major health offensive for Montérégie
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Titre: La FIQ réclame une hausse salariale de 4% pour les trois prochaines années
Headline: The FIQ calls for a 4% salary increase for the next three years
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Headline: College of Registered Nurses easing application process in Manitoba
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Headline: Sask. reverts to former health-care payroll, scheduling system after new program faulty
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Headline: Union files grievance over new Saskatchewan Health Authority program
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Headline: Union files grievance over new Saskatchewan Health Authority program
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Headline: Ottawa and provincial health ministers urged by nurse union head to stop ‘squabbling’ as they sit down for first meeting since 2018
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Headline: Manitoba announces $200 million to help ease strain on health-care system
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Headline: Hundreds of B.C. nurses hold rally in downtown Vancouver ahead of contract negotiations
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Headline: “We need investment into health care now,”: BC Nurses Union President
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Headline: Port Hardy Hospital’s emergency department closed temporarily, Island Health says
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Titular: Obreros y gobierno a las puertas de negociación para nuevo ajuste salarial
Headline: Workers and government at the gates of negotiation for a new wage adjustment
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Titular: Obreros y gobierno abordarán petición sobre ajuste salarial
Headline: Workers and government will address petition on salary adjustment
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Headline: Record 100,000 people on trolleys in 2022 so far with Limerick and Cork worst hit
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Headline: Nurses working in ‘horrendous’ conditions as 100,000 patients left on trolleys
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Headline: HSE ‘prioritise’ infant checks amid shortage of public health nurses
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Headline: Spike expected in numbers of nurses leaving profession due to assaults
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Headline: Letterkenny hospital among most overcrowded
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Headline: No sign of improvements in hospitals as over 100,000 go without a bed this year
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Titolo: Infermiera aggredita da un paziente della Rems di Maniago
Headline: Nurse attacked by a patient at Rems of Maniago
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Titolo: Arnas Civico, in arrivo arretrati contrattuali e nuove stabilizzazioni
Headline: Arnas Civico, contractual backpay and new stabilizations are on the way
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Titolo: Aggiornamento sul nuovo CCNL per i dirigenti sindacali NurSind Lombardia
Headline: Update on the new National Collective Labor Agreement for NurSind Lombardia union leaders
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Titolo: L’allarme degli infermieri: “Ospedale di Perugia al collasso”
Headline: Nurses sound the alarm: “Perugia hospital collapsing”
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Headline: Health Workers Urge Governor To Recruit More Staff
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Headline: Health worker shortage: Te Whatu Ora Bay of Plenty needs to fill 382 vacancies
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Headline: ‘We are in crisis,’ says ED whistleblower who claims 10 shifts every 24 hours vacant
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Headline: Student nurses at breaking point with unpaid placements
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Headline: Female patient punched in face by man at North Shore Hospital
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Headline: FOCUS: As pandemic eases, more Filipino nurses set to seek work abroad
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Headline: Ex-PNP Chief Cascolan takes oath as new DOH undersecretary
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Manchete: Sindicato dos Enfermeiros Portugueses diz que propostas do Governo “mantêm injustiças”
Headline: Portuguese Nurses Union says government proposals “contain injustices”
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Manchete: Enfermeiros querem retroativos salariais a 2018
Headline: Nurses want salary retroactive to 2018
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Manchete: Enfermeiros reclamam contabilização do tempo de serviço
Headline: Nurses complain about service time accounting
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Manchete: Sindicatos dos enfermeiros “satisfeitos” após reunião no Ministério da Saúde
Headline: Nurses Unions “satisfied” after meeting at the Ministry of Health
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Titular: SATSE exige contratar más enfermeras en las urgencias del Cunqueiro para evitar nuevos colapsos
Headline: SATSE demands to hire more nurses in the Cunqueiro emergency room to avoid further collapses
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Titular: Juaneda y SATSE formarán a las enfermeras de la privada en cuidados críticos
Headline: Juaneda and SATSE will train private nurses in critical care
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Titular: SATSE reivindica el grupo A para enfermeros y fisioterapeutas
Headline: SATSE claims group A for nurses and physiotherapists
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Titular: Satse alerta de la situación en la Residencia Mixta: «No habrá enfermeras durante cuatro noches»
Headline: Satse warns of the situation in the Mixed Residence: “There will be no nurses for four nights”
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Headline: Health Carousel’s “Light the Way” Program Supports DAISY Foundation Awards
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Headline: Nurses across UK vote to strike in first ever national action
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Headline: Royal College of Nursing strike vote is a historic moment that requires a historic response from politicians – Scotsman comment
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Headline: Nursing union the Royal College of Nursing announces first strike in its 106-year history
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Headline: Royal College of Nursing announces first strike in its history
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Headline: RCN promises strike ballot results this week in wake of speculation
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Headline: Hundreds of nurses at Wichita’s St. Francis hospital vote to unionize
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Headline: Ascension nurses in Kansas vote to unionize
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Headline: Unionized nurses at Ascension Borgess Hospital to hold informational picket Saturday morning
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Headline: Montefiore nurses are fighting to keep a maternal health program open in a borough where maternal health outcomes are grim
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Headline: They Waged the Largest Private-Sector Nurses’ Strike in U.S. History. They’re Still Waiting for Justice.
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Headline: Nurses at Wichita hospital, among state’s largest, to unionize after secret ballot vote
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Headline: Community alliance tackles advocacy plans at LA national conference
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Headline: Support Vets by Defending, Not Defunding, Public Sector Jobs
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Headline: US healthcare workers walk off the job: 18 strikes in 2022
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Headline: Assaults against staff surge at Minnesota hospitals: ‘It seems it’s inevitable”
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Headline: Workplace Violence Continues to Plague U.S. Hospitals