Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Community protest continues over staffing drop in Gloucester’s new nursing home
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Headline: Job cuts at aged care homes pinned to Covid-19 outbreak, drop in occupancies
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Headline: A COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow at the Misericordia Hospital
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Headline: Alberta to streamline approvals for new private clinics to boost surgeries
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Headline: Union picketing and political campaigning curbed under proposed Alberta bill
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Headline: GOLDSTEIN: SARS expert condemns federal response to COVID-19
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Headline: Health PEI makes masks mandatory for front-line staff
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Headline: COVID-19 on P.E.I.: What’s happening Thursday, July 9
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Headline: Vacancies putting pressure on P.E.I. nursing system, says union
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Headline: Nova Scotia pandemic pay to select health-care workers ‘insulting,’ say union leaders
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Headline: Union Wants Investigation Into N.B.’s Private Nursing Homes
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Headline: Province seeking proposals to help reduce elective surgery backlog
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Titre: La FIQ et ses membres en ont ras-le-bol des arrêtés ministériels!
Headline: The FIQ and its members are fed up with ministerial decrees!
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Titre: Coup d’éclat des travailleurs de la santé aujourd’hui
Headline: Health workers get a boost today
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Titre: Un comité d’accueil bruyant pour François Legault à Alma
Headline: A noisy welcome committee for François Legault in Alma
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Titre: Masques N95 : la FIQ et la FIQP s’adressent à la Cour supérieure
Headline: N95 masks: the FIQ and the FIQP address the Superior Court
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Costa Rica
Titular: Ante dudas de calidad, sindicato pide certificaciones de mascarillas
Headline: In the face of quality doubts, union asks for mask certifications
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Costa Rica
Titular: CCSS desconoce de dónde salieron mascarillas chinas cuestionadas
Headline: CCSS does not know where questioned Chinese masks came from
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Dominican Republic
Titular: Sinatrae denuncia clínicas violan derechos enfermeras suspendidas
Headline: Sinatrae denounces clinics violate suspended nurses’ rights
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Dominican Republic
Titular: Sinatrae denuncia suspensión de enfermeras de clínicas privadas; demandarán a dueños
Headline: Sinatrae denounces suspension of nurses from private clinics; they will sue owners
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El Salvador
Titular: Personal de la salud salió a las calles para exigir medidas contra el COVID-19 que protejan al gremio
Headline: Health personnel took to the streets to demand measures against COVID-19 that protect the union
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Titular: Enfermeras de El Tórax denuncian que las obligan a asistir a su trabajo, pese a ser positivas de covid-19
Headline: Nurses from El Tórax denounce that they are forced to attend their work, despite being positive from covid-19
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Titular: Cerrar los hospitales no le corresponde solo a un gremio: ANEEAH
Headline: Closing the hospitals does not correspond only to one union: ANEEAH
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Titular: Honduras registra más de 1.600 sanitarios positivos a Covid-19
Headline: Honduras registers more than 1,600 health workers positive for Covid-19
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Titular: Más de 50 enfermeras dan positivo al COVID-19 en El Tórax
Headline: More than 50 nurses test positive for COVID-19 in El Tórax
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Titular: COVID-19: muere enfermera del Leonardo Martínez en el IHSS de SPS
Headline: COVID-19: Leonardo Martínez’s nurse dies at the SPS IHSS
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Titular: Asociación de Enfermeros: «No vamos a abandonar la atención» en hospitales
Headline: Nurses Association: «We are not going to abandon care» in hospitals
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Titular: Crisis sanitaria en Honduras: más de 1.600 profesionales de la salud infectados y pacientes atendidos en el piso
Headline: Health crisis in Honduras: more than 1,600 infected health professionals and patients treated on the floor
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Titular: Denuncian contratación irregular de enfermeras
Headline: Irregular recruitment of nurses denounced
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Titular: Trasladan a enfermeras con Covid-19 desde La Ceiba a SPS por falta de ventiladores
Headline: Nurses with Covid-19 transferred from La Ceiba to SPS due to lack of ventilators
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Headline: More patients waiting for beds at CUH than any other hospital
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Headline: Some ICU nurses struggling to get holiday leave amid claims one nurse is quitting over the issue
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Headline: CUH has highest number of patients waiting for beds for second day running
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Titolo: Stop alle discriminazioni e molestie sul posto di lavoro. NurSind Bologna firma protocollo d’intesa
Headline: Stop discrimination and harassment in the workplace. NurSind Bologna signs memorandum of understanding
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Titolo: Nursind: “Ci chiamavano eroi, oggi non c’è un piano post Covid”
Headline: Nursind: “They called us heroes, today there is no post Covid plan”
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Titolo: Bonus Covid per gli infermieri. Il Governo blocca i pagamenti in Piemonte
Headline: Covid bonus for nurses. The government blocks payments in Piedmont
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Titolo: “Siamo stati chiamati eroi, ma ora è il caos”
Headline: “We were called heroes, but now it’s chaos”
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Headline: Kisumu health workers lock horns with Governor Nyong’o
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Headline: Don’t drop your guard, counties not prepared to handle high virus cases
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New Zealand
Headline: Over 3000 nurses, healthcare workers to stop work across NZ at the end of this month
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New Zealand
Headline: Nearly 170 Northland primary health nurses to stop work
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Titular: Piura: más de 200 enfermeras de diferentes hospitales de la región están contagiadas de COVID-19
Headline: Piura: more than 200 nurses from different hospitals in the region are infected with COVID-19
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Headline: San Lazaro Hospital nurses overworked, unprotected amid COVID-19 battle —group
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Headline: PH scouts for vaccine partners; wearing of masks a must—DOH
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Headline: Solons to look into non-implementation of SC ruling on gov’t nurses’ pay hike
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Manchete: Sindicato dos enfermeiros diz que medidas dos partidos “só acrescentam problemas”
Headline: Nurses’ union says party measures “only add problems”
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Manchete: Enfermeiros reclamam descongelamento das carreiras no hospital de Leiria
Headline: Nurses decry lack of career advancement at Leiria hospital
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Manchete: SEP acusa o Lar de Reguengos de não ter número necessário de enfermeiros
Headline: SEP accuses Lar de Reguengos of not having the necessary number of nurses
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Manchete: Lares devem contratar os enfermeiros necessários
Headline: Homes should hire the necessary nurses
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South Africa
Headline: Covid-19: Eastern Cape hospitals are full
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Titular: Satse denuncia reducción de enfermeras en las Urgencias infantiles de La Paz
Headline: Satse denounces reduction of nurses in children’s emergencies of La Paz
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Titular: SATSE denuncia el cierre de 7.000 camas “cuando la covid-19 sigue”
Headline: SATSE denounces the closure of 7,000 beds “when the covid-19 continues”
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Titular: Denuncian que suban el sueldo a los médicos dejando al sector de la Enfermería en precario
Headline: Raised salaries for doctors denounced for leaving the nursing sector in a precarious position
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Titular: El emotivo vídeo de agradecimiento a las enfermeras de Baleares
Headline: The emotional video of thanks to the Balearic nurses
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Titular: Satse denuncia el cierre de la mitad de las camas de Medicina Interna y Cuidados Paliativos de San Telmo
Headline: Satse denounces the closure of half of the beds of Internal Medicine and Palliative Care of San Telmo
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United Kingdom
Headline: Stormy waters could be ahead for recruitment of nurses and midwives – regulator
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United Kingdom
Headline: Most Covid-19 hospital staff back in their own jobs
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United Kingdom
Headline: From the front lines, Black nurses battle twin pandemics of racism and coronavirus
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United Kingdom
Headline: Belfast student nurse reveals ‘terror’ facing a worldwide pandemic but ‘couldn’t be more proud’ now
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United Kingdom
Headline: Nurses call on Boris Johnson to turn applause for NHS into immediate pay rise
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United States
Titular: Equipo de protección para trabajadores médicos comienza a agotarse nuevamente
Headline: Protective Gear for Medical Workers Begins to Run Out Again
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United States
Headline: Protective gear for medical workers begins to run low again
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United States
Headline: Nurses union warns of shortage in protective gear amid new coronavirus surge
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United States
Headline: US protective gear is running low again
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United States
Headline: The U.S. Is Repeating Its Deadliest Pandemic Mistake
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United States
Headline: Florida RNs Say HCA Hospital Ignores COVID Safety Standards
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United States
Headline: What do 6 months of COVID-19 pandemic tell us about USA?
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United States
Headline: Healthcare sector added 358K jobs, hospitals had first gains in 2 months
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United States
Headline: Coronavirus Today: What we don’t know about deaths
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United States
Headline: Healthcare Workers Fear A Return To PPE Shortages As Coronavirus Caseloads Climb
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United States
Headline: ‘Please Tell Me My Life Is Worth A LITTLE Of Your Discomfort,’ Nurse Pleads
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United States
Headline: Florida hospital nurses protest working conditions amid pandemic
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United States
Headline: Latest coronavirus news for July 7, 2020: Live updates
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United States
Headline: Nurses union warns of supply shortages as COVID-19 cases grow
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United States
Headline: Virus Updates: US Tops 3 Million Cases; WHO Says Airborne Transmission Evidence Not Yet ‘Definitive’
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United States
Headline: Grave Shortages of Protective Gear Flare Again as Covid Cases Surge
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United States
Headline: America is running short on masks, gowns and gloves. Again.
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United States
Headline: As COVID-19 patients fill beds, many hospitals choose not to cancel nonemergency surgeries
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United States
Headline: The Daily 202: Most Americans aren’t buying Trump’s rosy outlook on the coronavirus
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United States
Headline: Las Palmas nurses say hospital retaliated against them over their allegation of racism
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United States
Headline: Health Care Workers Treating Coronavirus Are Running Out of Medical Masks and Gloves — Again
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United States
Headline: American Doctors and Nurses Are Fast Running Out of Masks and Gowns Yet Again
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United States
Headline: Decontaminating Covid-19 Masks Raises Safety, Efficacy Concerns
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United States
Headline: Philadelphia 76ers, NovaCare Donate 10,000 Masks To Philadelphia, Camden Areas Of Need
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United States
Headline: U.S. eclipses 3 million cases of coronavirus on a day it set a record high for new positive tests
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United States
Headline: America Faces a Critical PPE Shortage, Again
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United States
Headline: California, Texas and Florida have the highest daily number of deaths from coronavirus since the start of the pandemic
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United States
Headline: El Paso nurses claim racist comments were made by supervisor, asks hospital to enforce zero-tolerance policy
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United States
Headline: A grim tally: Newsom puts brave face on California’s COVID-19 surge
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United States
Headline: Nurses call for immediate PPE production as states run low
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United States
Headline: Virus Updates: New Guidelines on Reopening Schools; Health Care Workers Advised to Reuse PPE
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United States
Headline: America still doesn’t have enough N95 masks
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United States
Headline: White House urges health care workers to reuse PPE amid growing shortages as COVID-19 pandemic worsens
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United States
Headline: Fresno Nurse Died Of COVID-19 As Coronavirus Safety Complaints Piled Up Against Kaiser
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United States
Headline: COVID-19 testing again falls short with long turnaround times posing threat to contact tracing
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United States
Headline: American Doctors and Nurses Are Fast Running Out of Masks and Gowns Yet Again
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United States
Headline: Amid Surge, Hospitals Hesitate To Cancel Nonemergency Surgeries
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United States
Headline: HEALTH CARE BRIEFING: Feds Gave States Bad Supplies, Report Says
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United States
Headline: Health Care Workers Worried About Dwindling Medical Supplies
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United States
Headline: Mission Hospital nurses call for staffing increase as COVID-19 numbers rise
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United States
Headline: Protective Gear for Medical Workers Begins to Run Low Again
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United States
Headline: More than 3 million people have COVID-19 in the US, according to Johns Hopkins
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United States
Headline: HCA Mission Hospital nurses seek more staffing amid COVID-19 surge
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United States
Headline: As coronavirus failures mount, ‘it’s like nothing has changed’
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United States
Headline: ‘Huge shot in the arm’: Mission union drive could inspire organized labor beyond Asheville
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United States
Headline: Chicago Unions Demand to Defund Police and Fund Health Care for All
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United States
Headline: Mission Hospital nurses call for staffing increase as COVID-19 numbers rise
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United States
Headline: Nurses say COVID-19 hazard pay could help offset unsafe working conditions, infection fears
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United States
Headline: Workers filed more than 4,100 complaints about protective gear. Some still died.
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United States
Headline: The US PPE shortage is so bad that nurses are reusing N95 masks for weeks at a time
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United States
Headline: Fresno Nurse Died Of COVID-19 As Coronavirus Safety Complaints Piled Up Against Kaiser
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United States
Headline: Modesto nurses reusing masks as more COVID-19 patients are admitted to local hospitals
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United States
Headline: Hospitals struggle with PPE shortages amid new COVID-19 surges
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United States
Headline: Why, after months to prepare and dire warnings, are U.S. hospitals experiencing PPE shortages–again?
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United States
Headline: Hospital staffing an emerging concern in Kern’s COVID-19 effort
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United States
Headline: Minnesota Nurses Association Shoots Down St. Luke’s Proposed Delay to Wage Increase
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United States
Headline: Groups pushing for statewide mask mandate, Walz could make announcement
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United States
Headline: MN Nurses Union Backs Mask Mandate
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United States
Headline: Nurses say COVID-19 hazard pay could help offset unsafe working conditions, infection fears