Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: The NT’s health system ‘will collapse’ without action, according to nurses’ union, as COVID cases rise
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Headline: “We are not going strong”: What it’s really like to work in a Sydney ICU right now.
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Headline: Covid-positive nurses are working in NSW hospitals due to severe staffing shortages
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Headline: “We don’t have staff”: Hunter hospital workers say it’s bad, and it’s getting worse
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Headline: Illawarra hospitals, staff struggling amid COVID crisis, nurses union representative says
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Headline: Queensland nurses stretched as shortages hit regional COVID-19 testing, vaccination clinics
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Headline: NSW nurses say they feel pressure not to take sick days as COVID-19 stretches healthcare resources
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Headline: Light at end of tunnel ‘a fricking train’: regional ICU nurses curse lack of staff during surge in Covid cases
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Headline: Tasmania records 1,489 new COVID cases, nearly double yesterday’s total
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Headline: Tasmanians turn to social media groups to find exposure sites and rapid antigen tests
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Headline: Hospital crisis long time in the making, nurses’ association says
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Headline: Burned-Out Nurses In Quebec Have Vacations Cancelled Amid Pandemic’s Fifth Wave
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Headline: Canada headed for nursing shortage ‘beyond anything we’ve ever experienced’: experts
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Headline: Registered Nurses’ Association warns of difficult times ahead as COVID spreads widely across Ontario
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Headline: ‘More than a crisis’: Ottawa hospitals face severe staffing shortages
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Headline: Local hospitals struggling to fill nursing shifts amid Omicron outbreaks
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Headline: ‘There is no health care without nurses’
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Headline: Patient visits ended at 4 Nova Scotia hospitals
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Headline: Saskatchewan nurses union warns of ‘onslaught’ of COVID-19 hospitalizations as outbreaks declared
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Headline: New Brunswick hospitals struggling to provide timely care amid COVID-19 surge
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Headline: Make booster doses for N.L. health-care workers a priority, says nurses’ union
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Headline: Saskatchewan’s capacity for COVID-19 testing strained
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Headline: Nurses union preparing for “onslaught” of COVID-19 hospitalizations
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Headline: Sask. turns to Philippines to address health-care labour shortage
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Headline: Manitoba Nurses Union on COVID-19 cases
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Headline: N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Boosters available to everyone 18 and older starting Monday
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Headline: ‘It’s a crisis’: Canadian hospitals closing, cancelling surgeries amid COVID-related staff shortages
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Headline: O’Toole accuses Trudeau of ‘normalizing lockdowns’ by failing to provide enough rapid tests, PPE
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Titre: Situations critiques: Québec suspendra les vacances du personnel de la santé
Headline: Critical situations: Quebec will suspend vacations for health personnel
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Titre: Hospitalisations encore liées au variant Delta: inquiétudes au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
Headline: Hospitalizations still linked to the Delta variant: concerns in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
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Titre: Vague Omicron: le délestage ne suffira pas, admet Québec
Headline: Omicron wave: load shedding will not be enough, admits Quebec
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Titular: Urge volver a contratar personal de enfermería
Headline: It is urgent to rehire nursing staff
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Titular: “Estamos molestos por las mentiras y los despidos del sector Salud”: ANEEAH
Headline: “We are upset by the lies and layoffs in the Health sector”: ANEEAH
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Titular: Gremio de enfermería refuta que gobierno mintió con nombramientos de plazas
Headline: Nursing union refutes that government lied with appointment of positions
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Titular: Personal de enfermería preocupados por masivos despidos
Headline: Nursing staff concerned about massive layoffs
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Headline: INMO calls for curtailment of non-emergency hospital services
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Headline: UHL was Ireland’s most overcrowded hospital in 2021
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Headline: Nurses urge shelving elective care amid rising hospital numbers and staff absences
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Headline: Meaningful action needed to protect Mayo nurses and midwives – INMO
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Headline: Covid-related staff shortages hitting many sectors
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Headline: Nurse shortage due to Covid putting ‘unprecedented pressure’ on mental health services
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Titolo: Sanità: Nursind, aggredito equipaggio di un’ambulanza a Gela
Headline: Health: Nursind, crew of an ambulance attacked in Gela
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Titolo: Boom di contagi tra gli operatori sanitari, Barone (Nursind Roma): “Un tampone rapido ogni 10 giorni non basta per fare un controllo preciso e capillare”
Headline: Boom of infections among health workers, Barone (Nursind Rome): “A quick swab every 10 days is not enough to do a precise and detailed check”
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Titolo: Messina, il Nursind: “ospedali nel caos, dal Policlinico al Papardo la gestione covid è fuori controllo”
Headline: Messina, the Nursind: “hospitals in chaos, from the Polyclinic to Papardo covid management is out of control”
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Titolo: Nursind: “Infermieri, stop al caos delle graduatorie”
Headline: Nursind: “Nurses, stop the chaos of the rankings”
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Titolo: Covid & infermieri, dal NurSind Piemonte ancora un allarme: “Personale decimato e ancora caos graduatorie”
Headline: Covid & nurses, another alarm from NurSind Piemonte: “Staff decimated and still chaos in the rankings”
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Titolo: NurSind Messina: dai 3 ai 12 mila euro in più agli amministrativi, gli infermieri senza indennità
Headline: NurSind Messina: from 3 to 12 thousand euros more to administrators, nurses without compensation
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Headline: Not all bad news for southern health in 2021
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Headline: Govt. urged to provide free, regular testing for healthcare workers
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Headline: Philippines won’t adopt mass testing as COVID-19 strategy, says DOH
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Tagalog: Grupo ng health workers, umaasang tutuparin ni Pangulong Duterte ang pangakong tataasan ang Special Risk Allowance
Headline: A group of health workers hope that President Duterte will fulfill his promise to increase the Special Risk Allowance
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Manchete: Hospital de Serpa encerra urgências durante o período nocturno
Headline: Serpa Hospital closes emergencies during the night
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Manchete: IPO Coimbra desvia utentes para o setor privado, denunciam enfermeiros
Headline: IPO Coimbra diverts users to the private sector, denounce nurses
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Headline: Denosa Student Movement frustrated by Health department’s ignorance
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Headline: Road fatalities down in the Western Cape but drivers told to play it safe
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Titular: SATSE denuncia el cierre de unidades hospitalarias por la falta de enfermeras en CyL
Headline: SATSE denounces the closure of hospital units due to the lack of nurses in CyL
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Titular: El sindicato de enfermeras advierte que “es un riesgo” que las farmacias notifiquen los positivos
Headline: Nurses’ union warns that “it is a risk” for pharmacies to report positives
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Titular: SATSE Madrid reclama que las enfermeras no sigan siendo maltratadas “por los responsables políticos”
Headline: SATSE Madrid demands that nurses do not continue to be mistreated “by political leaders”
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Titular: Satse pide a Ayuso para Reyes que “deje de maltratar a los enfermeros”
Headline: Satse asks Ayuso for Reyes to “stop mistreating the nurses”
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Titular: Satse acusa a Sanidad de no tomar medidas contra la falta de enfermeras en CyL
Headline: Satse accuses Health of not taking measures against the lack of nurses in CyL
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Titular: Satse Murcia agradece la profesionalidad de enfermeros y fisioterapeutas contra la Covid
Headline: Satse Murcia appreciates the professionalism of nurses and physiotherapists against Covid
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Titular: Satse reclama la contratación de más enfermeras en Madrid
Headline: Satse demands the hiring of more nurses in Madrid
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Headline: RCN survey suggests half of nursing staff thinking about quitting
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Headline: NHS staff ‘reduced to tears’ by Covid shortages
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Headline: NHS staff ‘in tears as unable to deliver care for patients’ due to Covid shortages
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Headline: Covid: Sheffield nurse reveals pressures facing NHS staff due to workers off sick
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Headline: Unions take Biden to court over covid protections for health care workers
Headline: AFL-CIO, Nurses Unions Demand Permanent OSHA Covid-19 Safety Standard
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Headline: Nurses unions sue Biden for withdrawing COVID-19 worker protections
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Headline: Nurses Union Asks Court to Make COVID Protections Permanent
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Headline: Unions go to court to get OSHA to release permanent COVID-19 protection standard
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Headline: Unions Ask DC Circ. To Force OSHA Health Care Safety Rule
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Headline: AFL-CIO and nurses’ unions take DOL to protect workers over COVID-19
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Headline: Unions petition OSHA to issue permanent COVID-19 safety standards for healthcare workers
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Headline: Coalition sues OSHA in effort to force permanent standard on COVID-19 for health care workers
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Headline: Unionized Starbucks Workers Walk Off Job; Nurses Demand Permanent Protections Amid Pandemic
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Headline: Bay Area hospitals struggle with omicron surge and nursing shortage as California extends mask mandate
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Headline: California Democrat’s plan would raise taxes to fund single-payer health care
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Headline: L.A. healthcare system hit with widening staffing shortages as workers get coronavirus
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Headline: East metro will lose more than half its pediatric ICU beds in 2022
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Headline: School districts grapple with union demands, potential Chicago teachers walkout
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Headline: Doctors and nurses are under attack
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Headline: Nurses to feds: Put people before profits in COVID fight
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Headline: Nurses union condemns expiration of emergency OSHA standards
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Headline: Volusia, Flagler students return to school as planned amid COVID spike
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Headline: Confusion, disparities in COVID safety measures
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Headline: Healthcare workers calling out sick after being exposed to COVID-19
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Headline: Remote learning still a ‘last resort’ for local schools
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Headline: 4 Nursing Organizations Release Statements Condemning CDC Quarantine Guidance
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Headline: National nurses union urges school districts to offer remote learning
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Headline: Essential workers in FL hope for relief in new year
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Headline: California Lawmaker Introduces Plan To Pay For State Universal Healthcare System
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Headline: Health Care Leaders Confronting Unprecedented Workforce ‘Crisis’