Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Peak union bodies get political as well, declaring a ‘Day of Action’ and release video as part of campaigns for mandated staffing ratios in aged care
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Headline: Experts warn work reforms pose health risk
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Headline: ‘It’s a facility not a home’: What will it take to reform aged care?
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Headline: NSWNMA push for more nurses as government’s hospital review recommends increased security
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Headline: Kiama aged care nurses support statewide campaign to push for safer staffing
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Manchete: Quanto vale o risco? Enfermeiros lutam para ter adicional por trabalho em UTIs
Headline: How much is the risk worth? Nurses struggle to have additional ICU work
Headline: Ontario health-care workers struggle with burnout as economy poised to reopen
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Headline: Sask. nurses’ union concerned by overdose death in rural areas
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Headline: More health-care workers given priority in Sask’s vaccine plan
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Headline: Saskatchewan government issues tender for COVID-19 outbreak emergency support staff
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Headline: Sask. nurses’ union ‘disappointed’ with nurses being left out of Phase Two of vaccination plan
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Headline: Ask before taking photos or videos of nurses, union head requests
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Headline: Nurses raise privacy concerns with surge in patients recording video in hospitals
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Headline: Listen to public health guidelines, Newfoundland and Labrador nurses’ union president implores
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Titre: Masque N95: « on n’en manquera pas »
Headline: N95 mask: “we won’t run out”
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Titular: Enfermeras se toman centro de salud de colonia capitalina exigiendo más personal
Headline: Nurses take over a health center in the capitalina neighborhood demanding more personnel
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Titular: Organizaciones sindicales de salud apoyan Plan Nacional de Vacunación contra la Covid-19
Headline: Union health organizations support the National Vaccination Plan against Covid-19
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Titular: Políticos están realizando “campaña de muerte”, dice Josué Orellana tras deceso de enfermera
Headline: Politicians are carrying out a “death campaign,” says Josué Orellana after the death of a nurse
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Headline: ‘Disastrous mix’ of emigration & early retirement to hit health service due to burnout
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Headline: 58% believe frontline workers deserve compensation for pandemic work
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Headline: More people waiting for beds at CUH ED than any other emergency department
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Headline: INMO: 100% Increase In No. Of Patients On Trolleys At Naas General.
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Titolo: Nursind: “A un anno dal paziente 1 personale sanitario ancora in sofferenza”
Headline: Nursind: “One year after the patient, 1 healthcare staffer still suffering”
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Titolo: NurSind: “Stop alle minacce e agli insulti agli infermieri del drive through”
Headline: NurSind: “Stop the threats and insults towards the drive through nurses”
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Titolo: Giornata nazionale dei Camici Bianchi, Nursind: “Ancora in carenza di personale”
Headline: National Day of White Coats, Nursind: “Still understaffed”
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Titolo: NurSind Asti: Prorogare i contratti infermieri Asl-At impegnati nell’emergenza
Headline: NurSind Asti: Extend the contracts for Asl-At nurses engaged in the emergency
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Titolo: Casa di riposo Tolentino, Nursind: “Nessuna parola spesa per gli infermieri, i veri protagonisti”
Headline: Tolentino Nursing Home, Nursind: “No words are said for the nurses, the real protagonists”
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Headline: Clinicians, Nurses And Lab Technicians In Mombasa Call Off A 3-Month Strike
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Headline: Mombasa health workers call off strike
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Headline: ‘Crap pay and horrible conditions’: Midwives at breaking point in capital DHB
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Headline: Frontline staff prepare to get first dose of Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine
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Headline: Coronavirus: First New Zealander gets vaccinated against COVID-19
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Titular: Enfermeras de UTI piden también ser vacunadas
Headline: UTI nurses also ask to be vaccinated
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Titular: Muere en Encarnación otro enfermero por COVID-19
Headline: Another nurse dies in Encarnación from COVID-19
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Titular: COVID-19: la mayoría de los enfermeros no cuenta con Seguro medico, lamentan desde el gremio
Headline: COVID-19: Union laments that most nurses do not have health insurance
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Titular: Coronavirus en Perú: médicos y enfermeras piden que ya se aplique el segundo lote de vacunas
Headline: Coronavirus in Peru: doctors and nurses ask that the second batch of vaccines be distributed
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Headline: Health workers seeking pay hike say nothing has changed since pandemic started
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Manchete: “É inadmissível 3 vagas de vínculo definitivo para enfermeiros do Alentejo” SEP
Headline: “3 vacancies for permanent employment for nurses from Alentejo is unacceptable” SEP
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Headline: First consignment of 80 000 Johnson & Johnson vaccines ‘a drop in the ocean’ – Denosa
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Headline: Covid-19 vaccine: Don’t forget rural healthcare workers, says Denosa
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Headline: Labour ward sister, admin clerk among first to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in SA
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Headline: COVID-19 hospital workers’ fight kicked off in front of Blue House
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Headline: Victory of Union Members’ Fight for Job Security, the Workers at Hospital Cafeteria
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Headline: KHMU newsletter No. 2, KHMU Public Statement. We at the KHMU Denounce Military Coup in Myanmar
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Titular: Satse recuerda a Sanidad que las enfermeras escolares deben estar entre las primeras en ser vacunadas
Headline: Satse reminds Health Ministry that school nurses should be among the first to be vaccinated
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Titular: El sindicato de enfermeras SATSE denuncia ante la inspección de trabajo a la Gerencia del Área de Salud pitiusa
Headline: The SATSE nurses union denounces the Pitiusa Health Area Management before the labor inspectorate
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Titular: Satse avisa de que las enfermeras no tienen claro el protocolo de vacunación
Headline: Satse warns that nurses are not clear about the vaccination protocol
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Titular: Satse denuncia la falta de inmunización ante el COVID-19 de enfermeras de mutuas en Cantabria
Headline: Satse denounces the lack of immunization against COVID-19 of mutual nurses in Cantabria
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Titular: El sindicato de enfermeras pide contundencia ante las agresiones que sufre el personal sanitario
Headline: Nurses’ union calls for forceful response in the face of the attacks suffered by health personnel
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Headline: UK COVID-19 Update: ‘Running on Empty’, ‘Inadequate’ PPE Guidance
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Headline: Nursing organisations call on PM to provide ‘higher grade’ PPE
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Headline: Health sector calls for government action on PPE and ventilation
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Headline: TOP 25 WOMEN LEADERS – 2021
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Headline: Prominent Scientists Call on CDC to Better Protect Workers From Covid
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Headline: Maine Med. nurses share what’s at stake in unionization battle
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Headline: Report: Hospitals ration N95 masks despite growing stockpile
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Headline: Northern California hospital CNO target of no-confidence petition
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Headline: State fines Kaiser $499K for COVID worker safety violations
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Headline: Philanthropists’ donation allows USF to offer free COVID-19 training to nation’s nurses
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Headline: A Minnesota nurse makes the committee for the white house Covid-19 task force
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Headline: Healthcare workers share concerns over surges as restrictions ease
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Headline: Bill aims to add Michigan to Nurse Licensure Compact
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Headline: US Hospitals Still Ration Masks As Stockpiles Swell
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Headline: Healthcare Workers Demand More Security After Buffalo Shooting: ‘I’m Surprised It Didn’t Happen Here’
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Headline: Nurses in California county’s health system to strike Feb. 27
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Headline: The squeeze is on: Amid recall threat, Newsom faces single-payer dilemma
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Headline: Prominent scientists call on CDC to better protect workers from COVID-19
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Headline: National alliance for Filipino concerns hosts virtual town hall for local health care workers
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Headline: Barton nurses will hold town hall to discuss lack of contract
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Headline: National Nurses United condemns ongoing racist attacks on AAPI communities