Manchete: Angola: Documentos falsos enfraquecem luta contra o coronavírus
Headline: Angola: Fake documents weaken fight against coronavirus
Headline: Tasmanian nurse at COVID-hit aged care facility in Melbourne details long shifts, stress and huge workload
Aged care homes should prepare to lose all their staff if they have COVID-19: Royal Commission
Headline: Aged care homes should prepare to lose all their staff if they have COVID-19: Royal Commission
Headline: Concerns SA restrictions would negatively impact psychological and financial wellbeing of aged care workers
Headline: Is Tasmania prepared for a second wave of coronavirus?
Headline: Concerns raised over health worker PPE
Headline: Young people launch fight against gas cash grab
Headline: Kate Lee flew to Melbourne on Friday to help fight COVID-19 in aged care
Headline: New staff found Kirkbrae aged care home in chaos, union says
Headline: Government must implement ANMF’s aged care action plan
Headline: National survey: assessing impact of COVID-19 on nurses, midwives and carers
Headline: Program to test if Illawarra healthcare workers’ masks protect them from COVID-19
Headline: Doctors and nurses face mask shortage
Headline: Albury Wodonga Health faces staff shortage amid COVID-19 border restrictions
Headline: Hospitals urge retailers to stop selling high-grade masks to public
Headline: One in five doctors and nurses has limited access to face masks
Manchete: Exaustão afeta enfermeiros
Headline: Exhaustion affects nurses
Manchete: “Mortalidade materna por Covid entre negras é duas vezes maior que entre brancas”, diz doutora em Saúde durante live do CNS
Headline: “Maternal mortality by Covid among black women is twice as high as among white women,” says doctor in Health during CNS live
Manchete: Triplicou o número de mortes de enfermeiros no Brasil em três meses
Headline: The number of nurses’ deaths in Brazil tripled in three months
Headline: Ottawa nurses rallying for repeal of provincial bills they say infringe on rights
Nova Scotia to fund equal pay for all licensed practical nurses
Headline: Nova Scotia to fund equal pay for all licensed practical nurses
Quebec’s coronavirus second wave plan doesn’t address staff shortages: unions
Headline: Quebec’s coronavirus second wave plan doesn’t address staff shortages: unions
Titre: Les responsables seront imputables
Headline: Those responsible will be accountable
Titre: Tout n’ira pas mieux dans le réseau de la santé
Headline: All will not be better in the health network
Titre: 800 infirmières ont démissionné à Montréal depuis mars
Headline: 800 nurses have resigned in Montreal since March
Headline: Nurses’ union calls on Ontario government to repeal healthcare bills 124, 195; Ottawa Hospital nurses prepare to protest
Headline: Donation of N95 masks help ensure readiness if COVID-19 cases soar
Headline: Experts raise alarm about proposed largest private surgical facility in Alberta history
Titre: La FIQ a adopté un nouveau plan de mobilisation
Headline: FIQ adopted a new mobilization plan
Titre: Québec se prépare pour la deuxième bataille
Headline: Quebec is preparing for the second battle
Titular: Sindicatos de profesionales advierten a CCSS de acciones legales si descuida al personal frente a covid-19
Headline: Professional unions warn CCSS of legal action if it neglects staff in the face of covid-19
Titular: SINATRAE rechaza reintegren a hospitales personal enfermería vulnerable al Covid-19
Headline: SINATRAE rejects the reintegration of nursing personnel vulnerable to Covid-19 into hospitals
Titular: Actores del sector salud coinciden en que hubo mal manejo de la pandemia por parte del gobierno
Headline: Actors from the health sector agree that the government mismanaged the pandemic
Titular: Fedosalud solicita reforzamiento de medidas de bioseguridad para el personal de salud
Headline: Fedosalud requests reinforcement of biosafety measures for health personnel
Titular: FEDOSALUD solicita intensificar medidas de bioseguridad para personal sanitario
Headline: FEDOSALUD requests to intensify biosecurity measures for health personnel
Titular: Covid-19 en Honduras: ¿Cuándo regresar al trabajo? Una interrogante que divide a empleados y empleadores
Headline: Covid-19 in Honduras: When to return to work? A question that divides employees and employers
Titular: ANEEAH: unas 2 mil enfermeras se han contagiado de coronavirus; 19 muertas
Headline: ANEEAH: about 2 thousand nurses have been infected with coronavirus; 19 dead
Titular: Fallece Cledia Castillo, la querida enfermera y pastora de Comayagua
Headline: Cledia Castillo, the beloved nurse and pastor of Comayagua, dies
Titular: Reclaman al IHSS por no extender incapacidad a enfermos positivos de coronavirus
Headline: IHSS denounced for not extending disability to positive coronavirus patients
Titular: Según ANEEAH: Reportan la muerte de 17 enfermeras auxiliares
Headline: According to ANEEAH: 17 auxiliary nurses reported dead
Titular: Mueren un doctor y una enfermera por coronavirus en Honduras
Headline: A doctor and a nurse die from coronavirus in Honduras
Titular: El personal de salud de Honduras evoluciona ante letal virus
Headline: Honduran health personnel evolve in the face of deadly virus
Headline: COVID-19: When a Contagion Comes, Women Bear a Heavy Burden
Headline: ‘Nurses are exhausted after record overcrowding levels and a pandemic’ – ballot for action at Limerick hospital
Headline: INMO calls for HSA to examine Covid-19 impact on hospital staff
Headline: Expert review to prevent Covid-19 ‘taking hold’ in nursing homes again
Headline: ‘Our healthcare heroes are at breaking point and need free parking’
Headline: Nuns urged to ‘pay up’ as staff at three nursing homes face redundancy
Headline: INMO disappointed free on-street parking for medical staff in Dublin being removed
Headline: Drop in number of patients waiting for beds at Cork hospitals
Titolo: PIEMONTE – Covid, Nursind: “Siamo pronti ad una nuova eventuale ondata?”
Headline: PIEDMONT – Covid, Nursind: “Are we ready for a new possible wave?”
Policlinico Messina. Il Nursind chiede le dimissioni del direttore sanitario
Titolo: Policlinico Messina. Il Nursind chiede le dimissioni del direttore sanitario
Headline: Messina Polyclinic. The Nursind calls for the resignation of the medical director,-sia-ripristinata
Titolo: L’AORN di Caserta blocca le mobilità degli infermieri. NurSind Campania: scelta scellerata in pandemia, sia ripristinata
Headline: The AORN of Caserta blocks the mobility of nurses. NurSind Campania: infamous choice in the pandemic, be restored
Titolo: Ospedale San Francesco di Nuoro: «Mancano i guanti: sicurezza a rischio»
Headline: San Francesco Hospital in Nuoro: “Gloves are missing: safety at risk”
Titolo: COVID – Nursind: “Il personale sanitario cerca certezze sul comportamento da adottare al rientro”
Headline: COVID – Nursind: “Healthcare personnel seek certainty about the behavior to adopt upon return”
NurSind, il sindacato denuncia: neanche un mattone posato per il reparto materno infantile
Titolo: NurSind, il sindacato denuncia: neanche un mattone posato per il reparto materno infantile
Headline: NurSind, the union decries: not even a brick has been laid for the maternal and child ward
Titolo: Sanità, NurSind su carenza di personale e ferie estive: interventi concreti o stato di agitazione dei lavoratori
Headline: Health, NurSind on staff shortages and summer holidays: concrete interventions or workers’ agitation,4-milioni-di-euro-nursind-ricorre-alla-corte-dei-conti-per-danno-erariale
Titolo: Agli infermieri dell’ASUR Marche spettano 1,4 milioni di euro. NurSind ricorre alla Corte dei Conti per danno erariale
Headline: The nurses of the ASUR Marche are entitled to € 1.4 million. NurSind appeals to the Court of Auditors for tax damage
Titolo: Asp Catania, il Nursind: mancano ancora 300 infermieri, caos a Caltagirone
Headline: Asp Catania, the Nursind: there are still 300 nurses, chaos in Caltagirone
Headline: Kitui nurses go on strike over pay
Headline: KMPDU jolted into action as more medics succumb to Covid-19
Headline: Over 200 health workers in Baringo protest termination of contracts
Headline: Busia nurses start go-slow over delayed pay
Headline: Coronavirus: Frontline nurses preparing to strike ‘stretched to the maximum’
Headline: Covid-19 testing in Taranaki could be impacted in GP nurses strike goes ahead
Headline: Canterbury medical community voice their anger at DHB
Headline: Strike response: Nurses insulted and under-valued say GP leaders
Headline: Waikato DHB proposes ‘cost neutral’ restructure affecting about 50 jobs
Headline: Workforce shortages hit DHB’s Mental Health and Addiction services
Titular: Estiman ambiente favorable a favor del proyecto que regula la carrera de enfermería
Headline: Positive environment in favor of plan to regulate nursing careers expected
Headline: Deployment ban on health workers stays, Palace insists
600 to 900 nurses with complete documents allowed to leave PH –DOLE
Headline: 600 to 900 nurses with complete documents allowed to leave PH –DOLE—Maristella-Abenojar-and-April-Glory.html
Headline: The Source: Maristella Abenojar and April Glory
Headline: Cainta nurse gets P60 daily hazard pay and dies of COVID-19 before receiving it
Nurse who died of COVID-19 gets P7,000 hazard pay, not P30,000 – daughter
Headline: Nurse who died of COVID-19 gets P7,000 hazard pay, not P30,000 – daughter
Headline: Protect our frontliners
Health worker who died of COVID-19 was a good brother, reliable colleague
Headline: Health worker who died of COVID-19 was a good brother, reliable colleague
Headline: NCR health workers soon to get help
Manchete: ‘Centros de dia já deveriam ter aberto há muito’
Headline: ‘Day centers should have opened long ago’
Enfermeiros querem que Governo “tome as rédeas” para acabar com injustiças contratuais
Manchete: Enfermeiros querem que Governo “tome as rédeas” para acabar com injustiças contratuais
Headline: Nurses want the government to “take the reins” to end contractual injustices
Enfermeiros do Algarve recolhem assinaturas na Praia da Rocha
Manchete: Enfermeiros do Algarve recolhem assinaturas na Praia da Rocha
Headline: Algarve nurses collect signatures at Praia da Rocha
Manchete: Luta dos enfermeiros continua pelo país. Profissionais reivindicam salários e horários iguais ao SNS
Headline: The nurses’ struggle continues across the country. Professionals claim wages and hours equal to the NHS
Manchete: Enfermeiros protestam contra exploração salarial no Hospital de Braga
Headline: Nurses protest wage exploitation at Braga Hospital
Headline: South Africa: Statement By Denosa Gauteng After Visiting Gauteng Covid-19 Hotspots Health Facilities and Checking Working Conditions
Nurse’s union demands payment for nurses contracted for Covid-19 response
Headline: Nurse’s union demands payment for nurses contracted for Covid-19 response
Headline: ‘We are dying’: Nehawu gears to strike as frontline workers battle Covid-19
Headline: Nurses battling to cope with Covid-19
Headline: Denosa: KZN lacks clear COVID-19 plan
Headline: DA blocked from inspecting Stanger hospital
Headline: Medical Workers’ Union Supports Gov’t Plan to Increase No. of Doctors
Titular: Covid-19 Andalucía: Satse pide enfermeras en las aulas y no al teléfono
Headline: Covid-19 Andalusia: Satse asks for nurses in the classrooms and not on the phone
Titular: SATSE: Faltan enfermeras por retraso en actualizar bolsa empleo del SAS
Headline: SATSE: Missing nurses due to delay in updating the SAS employment exchange
Titular: Satse advierte al SAS que el seguimiento de los casos Covid-19 debe recaer en personal sanitario
Headline: Satse warns the SAS that the monitoring of Covid-19 cases must fall on health personnel
Titular: Satse denuncia el colapso entre el personal de enfermería de Atención Primaria en Mallorca
Headline: Satse denounces the collapse among the Primary Care nursing staff in Mallorca
Titular: SATSE alerta que Almería es la octava provincia de España con menos enfermeras por cada 1.000 habitantes
Headline: SATSE alerts that Almería is the eighth province in Spain with the fewest nurses per 1,000 inhabitants
Titular: El Colegio de Enfermería de Málaga critica el trato “discriminatorio” a parte de los profesionales del SAS
Headline: The Malaga Nursing College criticizes the “discriminatory” treatment of SAS professionals
Titular: El Satse reclama EPI para todo el personal del Punta Europa y test para todos sus pacientes
Headline: Satse demands PPE for all Punta Europa staff and tests for all its patients
Titular: Son Llàtzer busca enfermeras para reabrir camas tras un fin de semana de saturación
Headline: Son Llàtzer is looking for nurses to reopen beds after full-capacity weekend
Titular: Satse critica la falta de cobertura de enfermería en la residencia El Castillo de Cabezón de Pisuerga
Headline: Satse criticizes the lack of nursing coverage at the El Castillo residence in Cabezón de Pisuerga
Titular: SATSE: “El seguimiento telefónico de las medidas Covid en los colegios es insuficiente”
Headline: SATSE: “Telephone monitoring of Covid measures in schools is insufficient”
SATSE reclama la implantación de un ‘Itinerario Laboral’ para las enfermeras y enfermeros
Titular: SATSE reclama la implantación de un ‘Itinerario Laboral’ para las enfermeras y enfermeros
Headline: SATSE calls for the implementation of a ‘Work Plan’ for nurses
Headline: COVID-19 deaths amongst NHS staff ‘to be kept secret’
Headline: Nursing bosses push for pay rise as 73% say they would feel more valued
Headline: Coronavirus: Deaths of hundreds of frontline NHS and care workers to be investigated
Headline: Plan for more nursing apprenticeships falls short, union warns
Headline: ‘Covid generation’ students urged to join nursing workforce
Headline: PTSD fears for frontline workers post-pandemic
Thousands of NHS workers head out to protest over pay and conditions
Headline: Thousands of NHS workers head out to protest over pay and conditions
Headline: 9 recent hospital-union conflicts, agreements
Headline: JCAR Upholds Pritzker Administration Rules on Enforcement of Mask Mandates
Headline: Union members in Las Vegas rally for ‘right to work’
Headline: Nevada labor unions launch ‘Right to Return’ campaign
Headline: FDA medical supply shortage list includes respirators, gloves, testing swabs
Headline: As Georgia Reopened, Officials Knew of Severe Shortage of PPE for Health Workers
Headline: Health care workers have been attacked in parking garages for decades. Why haven’t hospitals done more to make them safe?
Unions push for job security ordinance covering all workers – union or not
Headline: Unions push for job security ordinance covering all workers – union or not
Headline: Nevada workers who lost jobs to COVID-19 roll dice on proposed ordinance to get them back
Headline: Family, colleagues, union members remember local health care worker who died of COVID-19
Headline: The Postal Service helps keep millions of Americans alive and well
Headline: The Mail and Public Health
Headline: COVID-19 hit Northeast states hard. Here’s what they’re doing to prepare for a surge
Workers, unions raise red flag over hospital safety concerns
Headline: Workers, unions raise red flag over hospital safety concerns
Headline: Emanuel outlines approach he’d take for distributing initial doses of COVID-19 vaccine
Headline: Gun Control and the Alignment of the Progressive Left
Headline: Rep. Raul Ruiz joins Jill Biden in virtual summit on COVID-19 impact on Latinos
Nurses action in Asheville another sign unions are flexing muscles
Headline: Nurses action in Asheville another sign unions are flexing muscles
Headline: Some nurses at Rush in Chicago look to unionize
Headline: No End in Sight as U.S. Cases Pass 5 Million
Headline: Tampa Veterans Affairs nurses protest coronavirus safety hazards
Headline: Nurses at 3 El Paso hospitals raise safety concerns; administrators dispute allegations
Headline: Central Coast nurses call for adequate PPE and passage of the Heroes Act
Headline: HCA Kansas hospital sues union over 401(k) plan grievance
Headline: Study finds reprocessing N95 masks one time is acceptable alternative if supplies low
Headline: Labor, Environmental Groups Urge Emergency Action to Protect Frontline Workers From COVID-19
Headline: Culver City Takes Historic Steps to End Neighborhood Oil Drilling
Headline: For health care ‘heroes,’ death toll keeps rising
Headline: Most Nurses Say Workplaces Not Safe
Headline: Nurses deliver half a million signatures to Congress, calling on Congress to protect nurses during COVID-19 pandemic
Headline: Fired Minnesota nurse sues hospital, alleges he was terminated for protecting his safety
Headline: United Hospital faces lawsuit over safety after firing ER nurse