Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Aussie nurses share the incredibly vile racist, sexist and homophobic abuse they cop from patients
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Headline: Unions warn hospitals could be overwhelmed
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Headline: Regional health inquiry needs to ask why Tenterfield Hospital lacks a doctor
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Headline: Nurses rally outside Sturgeon Hospital
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Headline: Southlake won’t budge on plan to hire unqualified ICU nurses, ONA says
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Titre: Des professionnels de la santé demandent l’intervention de la ministre Andrée Laforest
Headline: Health professionals request the intervention of Minister Andrée Laforest
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Titre: Surchargées par la pandémie, des infirmières en nombre record au-dessus des 100 000 $
Headline: Overloaded by pandemic, record number of nurses earn over $100,000
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Headline: Nurses picket outside Sturgeon Community Hospital: ‘Looking for a fair contract’
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Headline: Southlake won’t budge on plan to hire unqualified ICU nurses, ONA says
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Headline: ‘Worse than ever’: Nova Scotia Health sees province-wide nurse shortage
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Headline: ‘Disrespectful’: Airdrie nurse calls out government plan to cut wages
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Titre: Réseau de la santé : un navire à la dérive, selon la FIQ
Headline: Health network: a drifting ship, according to the FIQ
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Headline: St. Albert, Red Deer hospitals face temporary bed closures due to staffing issues
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Headline: NGH offering signing bonuses to nurses
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Headline: Health-care workers raise concerns over wages, supports during protest outside RVH
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Headline: Ontario nursing groups fear mass exodus from workforce following pandemic burnout
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Titre: Vague de démissions chez les infirmières: «La meilleure décision de ma vie»
Headline: Wave of resignations among nurses: “The best decision of my life”
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Titular: ANEEAH Sugiere Contratar No Menos De 400 Auxiliares De Enfermería
Headline: ANEEAH Suggests Hiring No Less Than 400 Nursing Assistants
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Headline: INMO says hospital overcrowding must be a priority
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Headline: ‘Something has to give’: INMO asks Health Minister to intervene at overcrowded Limerick hospital
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Headline: Health officials warn of strain on hospitals but Covid-19 admissions remain low
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Headline: Hospital understaffing issues as exhausted medics prepare for COVID onslaught
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Titolo: Il tallone degli infermieri: i sindacati maggiormente rappresentativi
Headline: The nurses’ heel: the most representative trade unions
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Titolo: Sanità, il Nursind lancia l’allarme: “A Chivasso, Ivrea e Ciriè mancano i posti letto nei pronto soccorso”
Headline: Health Ministry, Nursind raise the alarm: “In Chivasso, Ivrea and Ciriè there are no beds in the emergency rooms”
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Titolo: Infermieri in fila allo sportello disagio lavorativo e dimissioni. Nursind Torino lancia l’allarme
Headline: Nurses queuing at the desk for work discomfort and resignation. Nursind Torino raises the alarm
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Headline: Uhuru Kenyatta Secures 3, 000 Job Vacancies in UK for Unemployed Kenyan Nurses
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Headline: Nurses dubious DHB commitments will result in action
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Headline: Nurses decline pay offer, two more planned strikes to go ahead
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Headline: Christchurch Hospital car park building still waiting on consent
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Headline: Health workers ‘extremely dismayed’ over Duterte’s last SONA
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Headline: Protesters criticize government’s Covid-19 response
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Headline: President Duterte, you can still get COVID-19 under control
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Headline: PH health workers won’t be able to handle Indonesia-like COVID surge, says group
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Headline: Not enough health workers to accommodate increased COVID-19 bed capacity —nurses group
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Headline: Nurses’ group slams continued shortage of health workers
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Manchete: Sindicatos dos enfermeiros juntaram-se para exigir ao Governo abertura de negociações
Headline: Nurses’ unions came together to demand the Government to open negotiations
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Headline: Hands off our nursing students, says Denosa
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Headline: COVID-19 healthcare workers struggling with burnout and fatigue
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Headline: Fourth wave creates nursing shortage
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Titular: SATSE pide soluciones para la sobrecarga laboral de las enfermeras
Headline: SATSE asks for solutions for the work overload of nurses
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Titular: Satse exige una respuesta “urgente” a la “grave” situación laboral y retributiva de las enfermeras
Headline: Satse demands an “urgent” response to the “serious” employment and pay situation of nurses
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Titular: SATSE denuncia que “se están denegando descansos, vacaciones y excedencias a enfermeras de Murcia
Headline: SATSE denounces that “breaks, vacations and leave of absence are being denied to nurses in Murcia
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Titular: SATSE Murcia: “El personal de Enfermería, cansado ante la falta de soluciones”
Headline: SATSE Murcia: “Nursing staff, tired due to the lack of solutions”
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Titular: SATSE exige un cambio sustancial en el modelo de la carrera profesional
Headline: SATSE demands a substantial change in the professional career model
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Headline: Nurses Trade Unions to strike during lunch today (28)
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Headline: Nurses to decide on islandwide protest on 2 Aug.
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Headline: Gasping for breath from Covid-19
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සිරස්තලය: හෙද සේවාවේ උසස්වීම් , මාණ්ඩලික තත්ත්වය , දින 5 සතිය ඇතුලු ගැටලු වෙනුවෙන් අදාල චක්රලේඛ නිකුත් නොකිරීම හා කමිටු පත් නොකිරීමට එරෙහිව රජයේ හෙද නිලධාරීන්ගේ සංගමයේ කුලියාපිටිය රෝහල් ශාකාව පැවැත්වූ විරෝධය 2021/7/28
Headline: Failure to remove the relevant circulars for issues including promotions in the nursing service, staff status, 5 days a week …
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සිරස්තලය: හෙද සේවාවේ උසස්වීම් , මාණ්ඩලික තත්ත්වය , දින 5 සතිය ඇතුලු ගැටලු වෙනුවෙන් අදාල චක්රලේඛ නිකුත් නොකිරී…
Headline: Protest by the Government Nurses Association against the non-issuance of relevant circulars and non-appointment of committees on issues including promotions in the nursing service, staff status, 5 days week 2028/7/28
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සිරස්තලය: හෙද සේවාවේ උසස්වීම් , මාණ්ඩලික තත්ත්වය , දින 5 සතිය ඇතුලු ගැටලු වෙනුවෙන් අදාල චක්රලේඛ නිකුත් නොකිරීම හා කමිටු පත් නොකිරීමට එරෙහිව රජයේ හෙද නිලධාරීන්ගේ සංගමය පැවැත්වූ විරෝධය 2021/7/28
Headline: Protest by the Government Nurses Association against the non-issuance of relevant circulars and non-appointment of committees on issues including promotions in the nursing service, staff status, 5 days week 2028/7/28
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Headline: Nurses’ pay in England to fall 7% in a decade even after government offer
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Headline: Royal College of Nursing members reject Jersey government’s pay offer
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Headline: NHS pay row: Royal College of Nursing launches ‘summer of action’ ahead of possible strike over 3% pay rise
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Headline: Met police investigate anti-vaxxer’s speech amid fears for safety of medics
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Headline: Hospitals grapple with vaccinating remaining employees, as some in Michigan consider mandates
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Headline: Piedmont’s planned acquisition of 7 Georgia hospitals raises ‘monopoly’ concerns
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Headline: Nurses to strike at Community First • CommonSpirit in another dispute with a Blues plan • Rural clinics get money to fight COVID misinformation
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Headline: Seismic-safety mandates and deadlines for hospitals need to stay in place
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Headline: Black Healthcare Workers’ Cared for Patients While Risking Personal Safety
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Headline: Nurses announce one-day strike at Community First Medical Center
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Headline: Piedmont’s planned acquisition of 7 Georgia hospitals raises ‘monopoly’ concerns
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Headline: Thousands of nursing jobs available in SC, advocates offer solution to fix shortage
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Headline: Nurses Know Better Than Kevin McCarthy: Bring Masks Back
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Headline: Unions Split Over Vaccine Mandates as Variant Threatens Workers
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Headline: Phoenix hospitals mandate COVID-19 vaccines for employees
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Headline: Reversing Earlier Guidance Amid Delta Fears, CDC Advises Vaccinated People to Wear Masks Indoors in Public
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Headline: Here’s why the CDC reversed course on masks indoors—and how it might affect you
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Headline: Dr. Fauci Has Taken Part In Conversations About New Mask Guidelines
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Headline: S.C. Ruby Tuesday Workers Walk Out – Missouri Retail Workers Fired for Striking – 1st Arizona Restaurant Workers Union Launched
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Headline: 200 nurses strike at Chicago hospital
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Headline: Nurses Call on FTC to Investigate Piedmont Healthcare Acquisition
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Headline: ‘We went from heroes to zeroes’: US nurses strike over work conditions
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Headline: ‘Masks Are Back’, COVID ICU Hospitalizations Rise Across MN Again
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Headline: Nursing shortage hitting Mid-Michigan and the nation
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Headline: On the frontline: nurses open up about latest surge, hospitals struggle to find nurses
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Headline: $250 million likely won’t cover losses for all of Minnesota’s front-line workers, panel says
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Headline: Who Will Qualify For State’s $250 Million In Bonus Pay For Front-Line Workers?
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Headline: Millinocket hospital is first in Maine to require COVID vaccines for employees
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Headline: Banner Health becomes first private employer in Arizona to mandate COVID-19 vaccine
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Headline: Covid-19 Updates: What We Know About the C.D.C.’s New Mask Guidance for Vaccinated People
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Headline: MNA conflicts with MHA over nurse-patient assignment ratio bill package
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Headline: California nurses want stricter staffing level oversight. Hospitals don’t agree
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Headline: About 200 nurses at Community First hospital in Portage Park go on strike
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Headline: Local nurses reach collective bargaining agreement with HCA
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Headline: Michigan hospital workers are unionizing. Here’s why, and it’s not about wages
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Headline: Minn. front-line workers appeal for share of pandemic pay
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Headline: On the frontline: nurses open up about latest surge, hospitals struggle to find nurses
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Headline: Minnesota lawmakers begin deliberating how to distribute $250 million to frontline workers
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Headline: Panel weighs COVID bonuses for Minnesota’s frontline workers
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Headline: Nurses announce one-day strike at Community First Medical Center