Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Titular: SATSE reclama, junto a sindicatos de enfermeras de 27 países, un acceso justo y equitativo a las vacunas en todo el mundo
Headline: SATSE demands, together with nurses unions from 27 countries, fair and equitable access to vaccines around the world
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Headline: ‘Health disaster unfolding’ as hospital stayed open without doctors
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Headline: Union slams ‘dereliction of duty’ as hospital left without doctor for two days
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Headline: ‘Dangerous’: Critical midwife shortage puts pressure on King Edward Memorial Hospital
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Headline: COMMENT || Concerns for future staffing in hospitals
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Headline: Nurses urge Federal Government to improve its COVID-19 vaccine information campaign
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Headline: Union pleased with vaccine rollout for healthcare workers
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Headline: Queensland nurses threatened by patients
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Headline: Queensland’s vaccine rollout ramped up among frontline healthcare workers as authorities insist inoculations ‘on track’
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Manchete: Comissão de Saúde recebe Sindicato dos Enfermeiros de Sergipe em reunião on-line
Headline: Health Commission receives Sergipe Nurses Union in online meeting
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Manchete: Sindicato questiona condições de trabalho de enfermeiros do Alto Tietê
Headline: Union questions working conditions of nurses from Alto Tietê
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Headline: An announced collapse: this is how Brazil’s COVID-19 outbreak overwhelmed hospitals
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Headline: As COVID-19 variant cases surge, Sask. nurses’ union says vaccine plan needs to shift focus to essential workers
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Headline: SUN adds its voice to organizations calling for change to Sask. COVID vaccine rollout
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Headline: Health-care system could be overwhelmed if vaccinations not expanded: SUN
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Headline: Nurses Struggling To Book COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments
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Headline: Younger and younger COVID-19 patients scaring frontline hospital staff: nurses’ union president
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Headline: Canadian Medical Association hopes federal budget will address primary care needs
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Titre: Des hôpitaux ont envisagé de recruter des travailleurs non qualifiés en bloc opératoire
Headline: Hospitals have considered recruiting unskilled operating theater workers
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Titre: Les coûts liés aux agences privées explosent au CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS
Headline: Costs related to private agencies explode at the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS
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Headline: FIQ, APTS health-care workers reject Quebec’s improved contract offer
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Titre: 5000 absents COVID chez le personnel soignant au Québec
Headline: 5,000 missing COVID among healthcare workers in Quebec
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Headline: Nurses Need To Be Consulted On RHA Plan To Reopen Altona’s ER Says MNU President
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Headline: Nurses struggling to book COVID-19 vaccine appointments under current system
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Headline: Opinion: Ontario Nurses’ Association appalled at misguided arguments on COVID
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Headline: COVID-19 horrors in Ontario LTCs leave nurses with severe trauma and post-traumatic stress: Report
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Titre: La FIQ obtient de nouveaux leviers pour encadrer la main-d’oeuvre indépendante
Headline: The FIQ obtains new levers to supervise the independent workforce
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Titre: Convention collective échue du secteur public: « On veut passer à un autre appel »
Headline: Collective agreement expired in the public sector: “We want to move on to another call”
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Titre: Pénurie d’infirmières: un secondaire 5 et une courte formation pour assister lors de chirurgies, le syndicat dénonce
Headline: Shortage of nurses: a high school diploma and a short training to assist during surgeries, the union denounces
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Titre: L’APTS et la FIQ font équipe pour manifester mercredi
Headline: The APTS and the FIQ team up to demonstrate on Wednesday
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Titular: Salubristas protestan frente al Congreso
Headline: Health workers protest in front of Congress
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Titular: ANEEAH registra más de 3 mil enfermeras contagiadas de COVID-19
Headline: ANEEAH registers more than 3 thousand nurses infected with COVID-19
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Headline: HSE criticised for ‘disastrous decision’ to close Mallow Hospital unit
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Headline: Taoiseach to meet with HSE on Mallow General Hospital
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Headline: INMO: 11 Patients On Trolleys At Naas General’s ED Today.
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Headline: Overcrowding at Limerick hospital slammed as ‘utterly unacceptable’
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Headline: Increase of Over 100% In No. of People on Trolleys at Naas General Hospital.
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Titolo: Servizi aggiuntivi negati agli infermieri del territorio, accusa del Nursind
Headline: Additional services denied to local nurses, accused of the Nursind
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Titolo: Nursind: a ospedale Pistoia pazienti in barella 40 ore
Headline: Nursind: patients on a stretcher for 40 hours at Pistoia hospital
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Titolo: NurSind Pistoia. Pronto soccorso: 90 anni, in attesa su una barella per 3 giorni
Headline: NurSind Pistoia. Emergency room: 90 years old, waiting on a stretcher for 3 days
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Titolo: PIEMONTE – Nursind: “Impossibile curare e assistere in queste condizioni; sovraccarico nei Pronto Soccorso”
Headline: PIEDMONT – Nursind: “It is impossible to cure and assist in these conditions; overload in the emergency room ”
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Titolo: NurSind: Rinnovo contratto integrativo: certezze per il personale sanitario
Headline: NurSind: Renewal of the supplementary contract: certainties for healthcare personnel
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Titolo: Le barelle intasano i pianerottoli e i corridoi, l’allarme di Nursind: “Negli ospedali è vera emergenza”
Headline: Stretchers clog landings and corridors, Nursind’s alarm: “In hospitals it is real emergency”
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Titolo: Covid. NurSind: la sanità piemontese è al collasso, a rischio cure ed assistenza
Headline: Covid. NurSind: Piedmontese healthcare is in collapse, at risk of treatment and assistance
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Headline: Waiguru says sacked nurses will not be reinstated
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Headline: We want our jobs back, sacked Kirinyaga nurses tell Waiguru
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Headline: Mombasa health workers learnt lessons in Covid-19 fight — union
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Headline: Latest DHB pay offer felt like April Fools’ joke – nurses
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Headline: Vital pathway for thousands of Filipino nurses coming to NZ for work in doubt
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Headline: Auckland’s Waitematā DHB postponing operations, holding weekend elective surgeries due to nursing shortage
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Headline: Burnout affects nurses too
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Headline: Operations postponed due to nursing shortage at Waitematā DHB
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Headline: Euthanasia: What happens if the drugs don’t work?
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Headline: Primary care nurses ratify pay deal ‘within cooee’ of DHB pay levels but what next?
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Titular: Piden con suma urgencia la contratación de más enfermeros
Headline: The urgent request to hire more nurses
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Titular: Hospital de Clínicas lamenta nuevo fallecimiento por covid de trabajadora de blanco
Headline: Hospital de Clínicas regrets new death by covid of a nurse
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Titular: Paraguay avanza hacia las 5.000 muertes en medio de una “situación crítica”
Headline: Paraguay advances towards 5,000 deaths amid a “critical situation”
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Titular: Personal de enfermeria, sobrepasado por aumento de casos de covid
Headline: Nursing staff overwhelmed by increase in covid cases
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Titular: La Asociación Paraguaya de Enfermería exige a las autoridades la contratación de más profesionales y garantías en atención e insumos
Headline: The Paraguayan Nursing Association requires the authorities to hire more professionals and guarantees for care and supplies
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Titular: Unos 30 enfermeros ya fueron víctimas fatales del Covid-19, según gremio
Headline: Some 30 nurses were already fatal victims of Covid-19, according to the union
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Titular: Enfermera del Hospital de Clínicas fallece por Covid-19
Headline: Nurse at the Hospital de Clínicas dies from Covid-19
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Titular: Una silenciosa batalla
Headline: A silent battle
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Titular: Preocupan ofertas laborales del extranjero a enfermeras ante déficit en Recursos Humanos
Headline: Nurses worry about job offers from abroad due to deficit in Human Resources
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Titular: Ya son 30 enfermeros fallecidos en pandemia por COVID-19
Headline: There are already 30 nurses killed in a COVID-19 pandemic
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Headline: Look: Health workers hold online protest on Day of Valor
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Headline: Hospitals on the ‘brink of collapse’ – health workers
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Headline: OCTA: Hospitals seen to remain in ‘critical stage’ until end of week
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Headline: St. Luke’s still at full capacity for COVID-19 patients
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Headline: A time for heroes
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Headline: DOH redeploys doctors, nurses from other regions to Metro Manila hospitals
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Headline: ‘Enough’ beds but not sufficient health workers — private hospitals’ group
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Headline: Health groups: ‘Militaristic’ ECQ useless without solid pandemic strategy
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Headline: Health workers ask gov’t for relief from ‘agony’ of fighting COVID-19 surge
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Headline: Healthcare system nears ‘collapse’ amid COVID-19 surge —workers’ groups
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Headline: Agonies of health workers still unmet amid stricter lockdown
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Headline: Alliance of Health Workers asks government to pay frontliners of benefits and allowances under Bayanihan to Heal as One Act passed last year
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Headline: Nurses demand ‘concrete’ govt plan vs virus
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Manchete: SEP organiza cordão sanitário na ULS da Guarda
Headline: SEP organizes health worker demonstration at the ULS of Guarda
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Manchete: Centro hospitalar algarvio retrocede na progressão dos enfermeiros, acusa SEP
Headline: Algarve hospital center falls behind on nurses’ career progressoin, accuses SEP
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Headline: The Portuguese Nurses Union Promoted A Demonstration Against Precariousness and Job Discrimination at The Uls Of Guarda
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Manchete: Sindicatos manifestam-se em defesa do reforço do SNS
Headline: Unions speak out in defense of strengthening the NHS
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Manchete: Enfermeiros anunciam novas formas de luta contra despedimentos
Headline: Nurses announce new ways to fight redundancies
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Headline: Nurses Threaten to Demonstrate in Front of The Ministry of Health on April 14
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Manchete: Enfermeiros criticam precariedade e exigem respostas ou avançam com formas de luta
Headline: Nurses criticize precariousness and demand answers or advance ways of fighting
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Headline: Eastern Cape govt finds R400m to extend contracts of 8 000 temporary health workers
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Headline: [News Focus] “Recommended” vaccination leave program feared to fail
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Titular: El 90% de las enfermeras de Baleares sufre estrés postraumático por la covid
Headline: 90% of nurses in the Balearic Islands suffer post-traumatic stress from covid
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Titular: Satse propone 8 medidas para acabar con la temporalidad de enfermeras y fisioterapeutas en el SMS
Headline: Satse proposes 8 measures to end the temporary employment of nurses and physiotherapists in the SMS
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Titular: Satse pide prorrogar los contratos de las enfermeras
Headline: Satse asks for extension of nurses’ contracts
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Titular: Satse celebra el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de León a sus reivindicaciones
Headline: Satse celebrates the support of the City Council of León to their demands
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Titular: Satse insiste al Sergas que abone salarios a enfermeras temporales
Headline: Satse insists Sergas pay salaries to temporary nurses
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Headline: Scottish nurses advised by RCN to reject 4% pay offer
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Headline: Palliative care report raises concern about nurse redeployment during Covid-19
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Headline: Nurses urged to have say as NMC launches controversial post-reg consultation
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Headline: Royal College of Nursing says staff should reject 4 per cent pay offer
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Headline: ‘Severely underpaid’ nurses in Wales calling for a 12.5% pay rise
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Headline: Poll findings add to fears of ‘nursing exodus’ post-pandemic
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Headline: RCN joins chorus of voices campaigning for global Covid-19 vaccine equity
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Headline: We can’t afford to lose one more nurse — passing workplace violence prevention bill would help
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Headline: White House under pressure to set up national tracking system to count front line worker deaths
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Headline: Hospital PPE Supply Law Now In Effect
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Headline: Nurses worried about job security as Fortuna birthing center closure looms
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Headline: Vaccine equity is a life-or-death issue in Minnesota
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Headline: ‘Everyone belongs here,’ PH envoy in U.S. says as Fil-Ams’ attacker face NY judge
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Headline: Dr. Akilah Weber draws $925K in donations, PAC money for 79th race
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Headline: Hundreds of California nurses approve labor deal
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Headline: Education workers organize the South
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Headline: House committee passes bill on preventing workplace violence in health care, social services
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Headline: Nurses concerned about CA relaxing COVID restrictions too soon
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Headline: PH consulate in NY joins calls vs. anti-Asian hate in US
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Headline: Hospital PPE Supply Law Now In Effect
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Headline: New law for PPE stocks in California
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Headline: Shh…St. Joseph Hospital Quietly Invites Community to Attend Public Forum, Submit Questions About Slated Fortuna OB Closure
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Headline: Calls mount for Biden to track US healthcare worker deaths
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Headline: Nurses Say New Contract Improves Patient Safety
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Headline: ‘We put ourselves on the line’: SJ nurses rally to call attention to dangerous workloads
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Headline: CEOs of public U.S. firms earn 320 times as much as workers. Even some CEOS say the gap is too big.
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Headline: Hospital PPE Supply Law Now in Effect
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Headline: Nurses concerned about CA relaxing COVID restrictions too soon
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Headline: Health Care Worker Strikes and the Covid Pandemic
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Headline: Nurses notify Barton Health of their intent to strike for two days
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Headline: ‘We put ourselves on the line’: SJ nurses rally to call attention to dangerous workloads
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Headline: Maine Med nurses to begin voting this week in historic union attempt
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Headline: Cal/OSHA fines Sutter’s Alta Bates hospital in Berkeley over COVID safety violations
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Headline: House panel OKs pro-worker bills
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Headline: SJ County, nurses union reach tentative agreement after two years of bargaining
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Headline: Sutter Health fined again over not notifying nurses about COVID-19 exposure
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Headline: Maine Med Union Drive Enters Final Stretch As Nurses Prepare To Cast Ballots
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Headline: Now ‘Do It,’ Progressives Demand as Biden Weighs Support for Lifting Covid Vaccine Patents
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Headline: Filipino American Group Demands Workplace, Police Reforms from Biden Administration
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Headline: Auto Workers Union Endorses Shontel Brown In Ohio House Race
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Headline: On the picket line
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Headline: No more trash bags. New California law requires hospitals to stockpile COVID protection
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Headline: N95 Mask Market future prospects, growth opportunities and outlook (2021-2027) shared in trending report
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Headline: A Cry for Action from The Campaign to Save RMH’s Birthing Center and A Severely Critical Letter of Opposition from Healthcare Workers Union Are the Latest Shots Fired in A Heated Battle Pitting Medical Workers and Mothers Against Providence St. Joseph
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Headline: Maine Medical Center union drive enters final stretch as nurses prepare to cast ballots
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Headline: Some Marylanders Could Be Protected from Medical Debt Under New Bill
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Headline: Getting forward to normal with Rep. Pramila Jayapal
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Headline: Winning Medicare for All Would Have Massive Implications Beyond Health Care
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Headline: Documents detail political, corporate interference in anti-virus fight
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Headline: OSHA Regulatory Agenda Retains Infectious Disease, Workplace Violence Rules
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Headline: Lawmakers poised to pass bill to protect Marylanders from medical debt
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Headline: County, CNA Reach Tentative Two-Year Contract Agreement
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Headline: “Liberal” Union Buster on the Loose in Portland
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Headline: New law requiring hospitals to maintain a three-month supply of PPE takes effect April 1
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Headline: California Nurses Association endorses state law requiring hospitals to keep 3-month PPE stockpiles