These sources provide a quantitative snapshot of violence and safety in the health care workforce in Ontario.
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board of Ontario
The report highlights health and safety trends in Ontario, including injuries, fatalities and return-to-work results.
DV@Work Network
Details results of a survey (Scott, K.L., et al., 2017) intended to increase our understanding of the impact of domestic violence perpetration on workers and workplaces, to help raise awareness of the intersection of DV perpetration and workplace safety and productivity, and provide relevant and useful data.
Institute for Work and Health
This presentation (May 2018) explores the incidences, impacts, and reporting of violent events at six different hospitals and explores the data relationships involved in reporting.
Ontario Nurses’ Association
54% of surveyed ONA members say they have experienced physical violence or abuse in the workplace, 85 per cent say they have experienced verbal abuse, 39 per cent report other forms of violence/abuse, and 19 per cent say they have experienced sexual violence or abuse.
Ontario Nurses’ Association
In 2017, health care workers had more lost-time injuries due to workplace violence than manufacturing, construction and mining combined. 863 lost-time WSIB claims were accepted for health care workers in Ontario, compared to 119 in manufacturing, 19 in construction and 0 in mining.
Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE
Violence against health-care workers ‘out of control,’ survey finds. Survey conducted by the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions show the prevalence of physical violence, non-physical violence, and sexual assault or harassment faced by frontline nurses.