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Workplace Violence Toolkit

Policies & Resources - Indicators

This section covers advice around data collection and the workplace uses of data collection and monitoring.


Using database reports to reduce workplace violence

Judith Arnetz et al. Using database reports to reduce workplace violence: Perceptions of hospital stakeholders. Work, Vol. 51(1), February 2015

Documented incidents of violence provide the foundation for any workplace violence prevention program. This article discovers and describes hospital system stakeholders’ perceptions and preferences of database-generated workplace violence data reports.

Recommended Indicators to Monitor Workplace Violence Activities in Ontario

Workplace Violence Prevention in Health Care Leadership Table. Recommended Indicators to Monitor Workplace Violence Activities in Ontario

The indicators which have been selected by the Leadership Table due to their ability to reflect issues that are important and relevant to the prevention of workplace violence.

Effective Measurement for Safety

WorkSafeSask. Effective Measurement for Safety

This guide is intended to assist employers in understanding the benefits of keeping safety statistics — the why, what and where to find the information, the applicable legislation, data management, training, communication and continuous improvement.