Health care unions are saying ‘Enough Is Enough!’ to workplace violence and harassment. These are some of the campaigns that are fighting to end violence in the workplace, strengthen our violence and harassment prevention programs, and change the laws on the books.
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
CUPE campaign to address violence in the workplace.
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
The CFNU is committed to working with political leaders to implement solutions to end workplace violence faced by nurses. Take action and Speak Up!
The Nova Scotia Nurses Union’s has an advocacy campaign to eliminate violence in health care workplaces. Check out these resources for your workplace!
The New Brunswick Nurses Union is campaigning to update New Brunswick’s occupational health & safety legislation to recognize workplace violence as a workplace hazard. Get in touch!
The Ontario Nurses’ Association aims to eliminate workplace violence and work to take action with members’ stories, getting nurses to report all violence and giving tools to local union leadership and frontline nurses to keep them safe. Tell Your Story!
Ontario Nurses’ Association. Local 8
Ontario Nurses’ Association Local 8 has launched a campaign against workplace violence:
Ontario Council of Hospital Unions and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Ontario)
There’s an epidemic of violence. But hospitals don’t want their staff to talk about it. OCHU and CUPE want to raise awareness of the issue and the solutions. Help by letting your Member of Provincial Parliament know that they can fix this!
Violence is not part of your job. There is no justification for nurses having to endure the threat of violence in the workplace. That’s why the Manitoba Nurses Union has led the fight to eliminate workplace violence.
The Manitoba Nurses Union is campaigning to raise awareness of the issue of PTSD in the nursing profession and the lack of supports available to nurses. Spread the message!
Saskatchewan Association for Safe Workplaces in Health
The Saskatchewan Association for Safe Workplaces in Health (SASWH) is spearheading the Campaign for Change of #IWillReport.
British Columbia Nurses’ Union
Public polling shows 9 out of 10 people in BC think more should be done to prevent violence against nurses. The facts support the need for action on this issue. What are we waiting for!
British Columbia Nurses’ Union
Understaffing and overcapacity in BC’s health care facilities are directly associated with increased medical errors, poorer patient outcomes and increased risk of violence. BC’s nurses need your support now!
British Columbia Nurses’ Union
In 2013, BCNU embarked on a journey to examine, understand and influence the delivery of mental health care in British Columbia, based on the knowledge, experience, and unique perspectives of BC nurses.