Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: A plan for ‘Care, Dignity and Respect’ for older Australians
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Headline: ‘It was just a life-saver’: Pregnant women who bonded online share baby joy in real life
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Headline: Unions: Aged care system needs radical overhaul
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Headline: Nurses and midwives union opposes gas, demands real climate action
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Headline: South Coast nurses’ safety fears as free parking scheme scrapped
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Headline: “No way to treat heroes”, State government makes nurses pay for parking
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Headline: Queensland nurses to rally outside politicians’ offices today
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Headline: Queensland nurses protest ‘human rights issue’ in aged care
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Headline: QNMU protests outside Dawson MP’s Office
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Manchete: Justiça determina ilegalidade de paralisação de profissionais da saúde pública em Teresina
Headline: Justice determines the illegality of the stoppage of public health professionals in Teresina
Manchete: Covid-19: Fundação Municipal de Saúde convoca 50 enfermeiras
Headline: Covid-19: Municipal Health Foundation summons 50 nurses
Manchete: Profissionais de Enfermagem decidem paralisar atividades por três dias
Headline: Nursing professionals decide to stop activities for three days
Titre: Comment protéger les travailleurs de la santé lors d’une crise sanitaire ?
Headline: How to protect healthcare workers during a health crisis?
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Titre: La FIQ exige la reconnaissance des maladies psychologiques
Headline: FIQ demands recognition of psychological illnesses
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Headline: Too many Canadians struggling with drug costs
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Headline: Vaccine access needed for migrant workers, undocumented
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Headline: Pick up the phone, vaccine task-force leader tells health workers
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Headline: N.B. nurses call for preventative health care as public consultations begin
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Titular: ANEEAH pide capacitar de forma inmediata al personal para el manejo de la vacuna Sputnik V
Headline: ANEEAH calls for immediate training of personnel for the handling of the Sputnik V vaccine
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Titular: “Como hemos llorado a nuestros muertos, lloramos por anuncio de adquisición de vacunas”: Josué Orellana
Headline: “As we have mourned our dead, we mourn over the announcement of the purchase of vaccines”: Josué Orellana
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Titular: Enfermera fallece por COVID-19 en Cortés
Headline: Nurse dies from COVID-19 in Cortés
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Headline: Nurses association moves Kerala High Court challenging order on salary cut, delays in timely disbursement of allowances
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Headline: HC notice to govt. on nurses’ salary cut
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Headline: Nurses Associations Moves Kerala High Court Against Order Confining Monthly Salaries
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Headline: INMO: 5 People Are Being Treated On Trolleys At Naas General.
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Titolo: Covid: Nursind, reparti Brotzu al collasso e letti in corsia
Headline: Covid: Nursind, Brotzu wards beds collapsing
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Titolo: NurSind: Impegno e coraggio a sostegno dei diritti degli infermieri
Headline: NurSind: Commitment and courage to support the rights of nurses
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Titolo: Mancata trasparenza nelle assunzioni. Nursind diffida Asur Marche
Headline: Lack of transparency in hiring. Nursind warns Asur Marche
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Headline: Kenya: Meru Nurses Barred From Work After Strike, Union Says
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Headline: Long-awaited practice nurses’ pay deal goes to the ballot next week
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Titular: Enfermeros a Sequera: “No aceptaremos ser tratados de ladrones”
Headline: Nurses to Sequera: “We will not accept being treated as thieves”
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Titular: Enfermeros anuncian varios días de protestas por falta de insumos
Headline: Nurses announce several days of protests due to lack of supplies
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Titular: Gremios de enfermeros exigen solución a problema de desabastecimiento en hospitales públicos
Headline: Nurses unions demand solution to problem of shortage in public hospitals
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Headline: Health workers on CoronaVac use: Don’t sacrifice our safety
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Headline: Health workers group pushes for safe and efficacious vaccine vs. COVID-19
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Headline: AHW pushes for ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ COVID-19 vaccines
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Headline: Workers won’t benefit if Covid and racism drive out migrants
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Headline: China’s vaccine diplomacy falls flat in the Philippines
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Headline: The Portuguese nurses union demands the integration of all temporary nurses in the ULS of Guarda, including those who were hired in the context of the covid pandemic
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Manchete: Sindicato alerta para possibilidade de 1.800 enfermeiros serem despedidos
Headline: Union warns of the possibility of 1,800 nurses being fired
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Manchete: Há 500 enfermeiros no Algarve ainda à espera de progressão na carreira
Headline: There are 500 nurses in the Algarve still waiting for career advancement
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Headline: COVID-19: Health worker death toll rises to at least 17000 as organizations call for rapid vaccine rollout
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Headline: Health workers gear up for Limpopo strike
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Headline: Health unions serve strike notice on Limpopo health department over working conditions
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Titular: Satse denuncia que las enfermeras de los hospitales de León perciben poco más de tres euros la hora por trabajar en el turno de noche
Headline: Satse denounces that the nurses in the León hospitals receive just over three euros an hour for working the night shift
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Titular: SATSE lamenta las bajas condiciones retributivas de las enfermeras de la región
Headline: SATSE regrets the low pay conditions for nurses in the region
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Titular: SATSE exige el refuerzo de las plantillas de enfermeros y recuerda que hay 2.300 profesionales en paro
Headline: SATSE demands the reinforcement of the nursing staff and recalls that there are 2,300 unemployed professionals
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Titular: Las enfermeras advierten de que «no hay personal para vacunar»
Headline: Nurses warn that “there are no personnel to vaccinate”
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Titular: Las enfermeras de Castilla y León son las profesionales peor pagadas de España
Headline: The nurses of Castilla y León are the lowest paid professionals in Spain
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Headline: Nurses’ union prepares for strike action over 1% pay offer for NHS staff
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Headline: COVID-19: Public urged to join slow handclap protest as nursing unions being strike discussions over pay row
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Headline: Nursing union sets up industrial action fund amid anger over 1% pay rise
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Headline: This is pitiful and bitterly disappointing” Nursing union reacts to Government’s pay offer
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Headline: One year with COVID: What happened, and why it’s too early to loosen up on safety precautions
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Headline: Here’s why 2021 could be a big year for labor unions
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Headline: Retired nurse explains the push behind union efforts at Maine Med
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Headline: [OPINION] Part II: New Development In The US War Against COVID-19 Brings Hope And Relief To Our Filipino Nurses Fighting On The Frontlines
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Headline: Governor Newsom Announces Appointments 3.2.21
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Headline: Nurses and other healthcare workers face increased violence on the job
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Headline: ‘A death sentence’: Nurses group hits back at Texas decision to ease COVID-19 restrictions
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Headline: Here’s why 2021 could be a big year for labor unions
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Headline: Trader Joe’s Faces Boycott Calls After Reportedly Firing Employee Who Sought Better Covid Protections
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Headline: Good Samaritan Hospital CEO resigns in wake of teachers jumping vaccine line
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Headline: California hospitals given leeway to use ‘last resort’ staffing waivers, analysis shows
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Headline: MNA: Rep. Cambensy, Sen. McBroom sponsor plan to support nurses, protect patients
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Headline: In scathing rebuke, Redwood Memorial Hospital nurses say they oppose closure of labor unit
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Headline: African American nurses face disproportionately higher death rate to COVID-19
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Headline: Frontline workers react to Texas ending COVID rules. ‘Worst message we can send’
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Headline: Hospitals Explain Need For Relief
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Headline: PHOTOS: One year of COVID-19 in Colorado
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Headline: As COVID-19 surged, vaccines came too late for at least 400 medical workers
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Headline: Here’s why 2021 could be a big year for labor unions