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July 24, 2019

Joint Position Statement: Patient Safety

CNA and CFNU believe that safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care is a responsibility shared by all health-care providers, health-care organizations and governments.

Joint Position Statement: Patient Safety

Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU)

  • Optimal patient safety requires collaboration, competence and accountability at many levels. Nurses and nurse leaders should be participants in all decision-making so that they can contribute their unique knowledge and skill to the achievement of a culture of safety and safe staffing.
  • Systemic factors related to change, technology, fast-paced work environments and restricted resources have a crucial bearing on nurses’ ability to prevent or minimize harm.
  • Quality professional practice environments, safe nurse staffing and organizational models of nursing care that are appropriately matched to patient/client/resident needs are essential to providing safe and ethical care.
  • Promoting the disclosure of hazards, adverse events, near misses and harm requires a culture of safety rather than a culture of blame. Nurses and other health-care workers require adequate support when intervening to address unsafe or incompetent practice.
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