The following is a list of legal resources to help understand provincial workplace violence and harassment legislation in New Brunswick.
An inventory of different resources, including legislative interpretations, information on rights and responsibilities, and explanations of the New Brunswick’s Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Excerpts from the Occupational Health and Safety Act to clarify the right to refuse, discriminatory action, appeals, and the duties of workplace parties.
An explanation of the three fundamental rights of all workers in New Brunswick: the right to know, the right to participate, the right to refuse, and the protections against discriminatory actions.
A flowchart on safety and the process of the utilizing the worker’s right to refuse unsafe work that is likely to endanger themselves or others.
Health & Safety Orientation Guide for Employers
A guide to the employer’s responsibilities and duties with respect to workplace safety.
Guide to Workplace Health and Safety Programs
The guide (June 2014) is for employers, workers, and joint health and safety committees and representatives to help them prepare and maintain their written health and safety program.
Zero Tolerance: Violence in the Workplace
A guide which defines and contextualizes violence in the health care sector, explains legal protections, and provides recommendations to prevent or manage violence.