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May 3, 2024

National Nursing Week message from CFNU President Linda Silas

National Nursing Week

Your nurses’ unions are raising the bar!

Dear members,

I know for too many, celebrating Nursing Week feels out of the question. It is hard to celebrate while working doubly hard, pushing your limits and caring for more and more patients without adequate support. Your strength is commendable, but I know you cannot continue to prop up our ailing health care systems. Saying this, I still want to say thank you, merci, miigwetch.

I want you to know you’re not alone. Canadians value what you do, and they have your back. A resounding 96 per cent of Canadians recognize the critical importance of nurses in our health care system, according to a recent poll by the CFNU. Please know, an overwhelming 90 per cent of Canadians are deeply concerned about the nursing shortage and the impact it’s having on our clinics, hospitals and, most importantly, on you.

These figures are more than just numbers. They represent the real support you have from Canadians. As your nurses’ unions, we have long been bringing solutions to staffing shortages, violence in the workplace and long-term care conditions. We push our decision-makers to invest in our public health care system, not private care.

Provinces have finally signed their health funding agreements with the federal government. We know this funding needs to translate into the respect and support you need on the front lines. We will keep fighting to ensure you see the impact of these investments at the bedside.

Together, we are a powerful force for change. I encourage you to join CFNU’s advocacy, calling on governments to fund proven retention initiatives to fix workplaces and give you the respect and support you need. Add your voice at With your help, we will be louder than ever.

A million thank-yous could never be enough. I know you need action, and I pledge to keep fighting for the respect you deserve. Together, we will transform the future of nursing and our health care systems.

In unwavering solidarity,

Linda Silas, CFNU President