Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Union demands COVID-19 leave payments remain for aged care workers
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Headline: ‘It isn’t safe’: Health system under siege as minister holds crisis talks
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Headline: COVID wave yet to peak as state pushes for fourth shots, antivirals
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Headline: ‘Defence, disruption, and action en masse’: Thousands turn out to protest the overturning of Roe v Wade
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Headline: Victorian healthcare workers being attacked, assaulted and abused at ‘disturbing’ rate
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Headline: Tas nurse abuser case ‘swept under carpet’
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Headline: Rising flu cases increasing pressure on chronically stretched NT health system
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Headline: ANMF Calls on Government to Keep COVID Payments For Workers
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Headline: NSW nurses reject pay cut
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Manchete: PEC do piso da enfermagem será votada nesta quinta (7) na Câmara
Headline: PEC for the nursing floor will be voted on this Thursday (7) in the Chamber
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Headline: Burnt-out Canadian nurses are shipping out for better working conditions and pay
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Headline: Feds should listen to health-care ask to avoid nursing catastrophe
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Headline: A system on the brink of catastrophe
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Headline: Canada’s nurses exhausted, fed up, calling for action
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Headline: Ontario health-care staff shortages prompt ER closures
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Headline: Ontario health workers faced with increase in violence, racism, sexual assault: Poll
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Headline: Ontario’s COVID-19 test positivity climbs to 13.5% as new details of 7th wave emerge
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Headline: Some Ontario hospitals warn ER closures may recur throughout the summer
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Headline: An Ontario nurse sounds the alarm on staffing shortages
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Headline: Hospital Emergency departments feel the pressure as wait times increase
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Headline: Staff shortages weigh on nurses across the province
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Headline: Unions pan private companies bidding for Regina long-term care beds
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Headline: ‘I’m really angry’: Staff shortages temporarily closing some rural Manitoba emergency rooms
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Titre: Les maisons des aînés de l’Abitibi ne seront pas livrées dans les délais prévus
Headline: Abitibi seniors’ homes will not be delivered on time
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Headline: A system on the brink of catastrophe
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Headline: Dire shortages leave Melita residents with no ER services for the summer
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Headline: Nova Scotia Health says ‘extremely high’ volume, full waiting room at Halifax ER
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Headline: Nurses’ Voices: Stories of courage and determination in the face of COVID-19
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Headline: The CFNU and present Nurses’ Voices
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Headline: COMMENTARY: ‘Tired, angry and frustrated’
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Headline: The court decision that could help fix Canadian healthcare
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Headline: Staffing challenges top of mind for New Brunswick health professionals
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Headline: ANDY WALKER: P.E.I. Healthcare workers ought not have to worry about being threatened or assaulted while on the job
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Headline: Health and safety: Saskatoon police called to hospitals less often during pandemic
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Headline: Nurses Union reacts to medics staffing ERs
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Headline: Using paramedics in ERs is band-aid solution: Nurses union
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Titular: Enfermeras del hospital Materno Infantil de La Romana realizan piquete por desvinculación
Headline: Nurses from the Pediatric Hospital of La Romana hold a picket over dismissals
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Titular: Integran mesa de trabajo con representante del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Salud
Headline: Representative of the National Union of Health Workers added to working group
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Titular: Recomiendan apertura de más centros de triaje
Headline: The opening of more triage centers recommended
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Titular: ANEEAH: Nueva ola de COVID es por la irresponsabilidad del pueblo
Headline: ANEEAH: New wave of COVID is due to the irresponsibility of the people
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Titular: Personal médico lamenta relajamiento e irresponsabilidad de la población ante el COVID
Headline: Medical personnel regret the relaxation and irresponsibility of the population in the face of COVID
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Titular: Consideran será necesario reaperturar triajes en todo el país por incremento de COVID
Headline: It will be necessary to reopen triages throughout the country due to the increase in COVID
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Titular: La Aneeah confirma 19 de sus miembros contagiados por la covid-19
Headline: Aneeah confirms 19 of its members infected with covid-19
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Titular: ANEEAH reporta preocupante aumento en contagio de enfermeras por COVID-19
Headline: ANEEAH reports worrying increase in spread of COVID-19 among nurses
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Headline: Call for additional public health measures as Covid hospitalisations jump 347%
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Headline: Nurses organisation says it wants long-Covid treated as a workplace injury
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Headline: Community workers strike over pay outside Social Protection offices
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Headline: ‘Extremely worrying’ – INMO warns of staggering rise in Covid hospitalisations
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Headline: We can’t rule out possibility of fresh COVID restrictions, says Leo Varadkar
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Headline: Masks in certain settings need to come back immediately – INMO
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Headline: ‘Out-of-control’ overcrowding saw 10,000 patients without a bed in June – INMO
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Headline: ‘This is not normal’ – Highest number of patients on hospital trolleys in June for 16 years
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Headline: Kerry nurses brand pandemic bonus delay as unacceptable
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Headline: Healthcare Staff No Longer Entitled To ‘Long Covid’ Sick Pay
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Headline: ‘I have brain fog, fatigue, migraines’: Nurses with Long Covid decry plan to end special leave
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Headline: INMO calls for consultants to see patients out of hours at University Hospital Kerry
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Titolo: Nursind Bologna: nuova ondata Covid, stessa impreparazione
Headline: Nursind Bologna: new Covid wave, same unpreparedness
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Titolo: CUORGNE’ – Il sindacato Nursind: «Riaprire il pronto soccorso si, ma in sicurezza»
Headline: CUORGNE ‘- The Nursind union: “Reopen the emergency room, yes, but safely”
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Titolo: Tornano a crescere i positivi negli ospedali. Il NurSind: Riaprire i reparti Covid
Headline: Positive cases in hospitals are growing again. The NurSind: Reopen the Covid wards
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Titolo: Covid Firenze, la denuncia di Nursind: “Mancanza del personale sanitario al Meyer”
Headline: Covid Florence, Nursind’s complaint: “Lack of health personnel at Meyer”
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Titolo: Covid, Nursind Toscana: “Le bolle per isolare i pazienti positivi non reggono più”
Headline: Covid, Nursind Toscana: “The bubbles to isolate positive patients no longer hold up”
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Titolo: Policlinico di Messina, Nursind all’attacco e Bonaccorsi replica
Headline: Messina Polyclinic, Nursind on the attack and Bonaccorsi replies
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Titolo: NurSind. Nasce la nuova segreteria di Fermo: cresce ancora il sindacato
Headline: NurSind. The new secretariat of Fermo is born: the union is still growing
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Titolo: Caltanissetta, Il Nursind: Nel 2022 Gravi Ritardi Nei Pagamenti Agli Infermieri Sulle Ambulanze, Una Mortificazione Per Gli Operatori Sanitari
Headline: Caltanissetta, The Nursind: In 2022 Serious Delays In Payments To Nurses On Ambulances, Mortifying For Health Workers
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Titolo: NurSind denuncia criticità nel servizio mensa dell’Usl Valle d’Aosta
Headline: NurSind reports critical issues in the canteen service of the Aosta Valley Local Health Authority
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Headline: Kerri Nuku | Kaiwhakahaere for the NZ Nurses Organisation
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Headline: Thousands sign petition to pay student nurses as they learn
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Headline: ‘A finite resource’: as Australia recruits overseas health workers, their home nations bear the cost
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Headline: Older people are dying more quickly in aged care with sector in crisis
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Titular: Inicia concurso para ingreso a la carrera del personal de enfermería del sector público
Headline: Positions opened for nursing careers in the public sector
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Titular: Destacan lanzamiento de la carrera profesional de Enfermería
Headline: Launch of professional nursing careers highlighted
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Headline: Palace: Evaluation of candidates for still-vacant posts in final stage
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Headline: Duque exits DOH sans successor in new admin
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Headline: EDITORIAL – Exodus continues
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Headline: Nurses group urges Marcos admin: Raise entry salary to P50K
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Headline: Will exodus of PHL nurses ever end?
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Manchete: Greve dos enfermeiros em Lisboa com adesão superior a 80%
Headline: Nurses’ strike in Lisbon with more than 80% adherence
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Manchete: Enfermeiros da região de Lisboa pedem valorização salarial e mais profissionais no SNS
Headline: Nurses in the Lisbon region ask for salary raise and more professionals in the SNS
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Manchete: Greve dos enfermeiros. Dia difícil nos centros de saúde da ARS de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo
Headline: Nurses’ strike. Difficult day at ARS health centers in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo
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Manchete: Enfermeiros de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo em greve na quinta-feira
Headline: Nurses from Lisbon and Tagus Valley on strike on Thursday
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Manchete: Enfermeiros exigem valorização profissional
Headline: Nurses demand professional acknowledgement
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Manchete: Enfermeiros: Denúncia pública em frente ao IPO do Porto.
Headline: Nurses: Public denunciation in front of the IPO in Porto.
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Manchete: Enfermeiros da região de Lisboa estão em greve. E é isto que exigem
Headline: Nurses in the Lisbon region are on strike. And this is what they demand
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Manchete: Enfermeiros do IPO de Coimbra reivindicam pontos para progressão salarial
Headline: Coimbra IPO nurses claim points for salary progression
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Manchete: Trabalhadores da saúde em greve esta sexta-feira
Headline: Health workers on strike this Friday
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Headline: Denosa calls for credible appointment after resignation of Limpopo Health HOD
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Headline: DENOSA welcomes resignation of Limpopo Health HOD implicated in irregular PPE contracts
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Headline: ‘Hire post-community service nurses, or else!’ warns union
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Headline: Nurses Union condemns treatment of nurses by health department
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Headline: Gauteng health dept claims no nurses ‘due for retrenchment’ as more than 50 await salaries
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Headline: Young nurses in Gauteng not paid for three months – Denosa
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Headline: Rally – Resolution for All-out Struggles and General Strike at the end of August in case of Breakdown of the Industry-level Negotiations
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Headline: Social Bargaining for All Health and Medical Workers
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Titular: «El Sermas quiere enfermeras a coste cero», afirma SATSE Madrid
Headline: “The Sermas wants nurses at zero cost”, says SATSE Madrid
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Titular: SATSE denuncia que este verano solo se sustituye al 35 por ciento de las enfermeras por vacaciones o enfermedad
Headline: SATSE denounces that this summer only 35 percent of nurses are replaced due to vacation or illness
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Titular: El alza de positivos obliga a reforzar el personal en la unidad Covid del Hospital Donostia
Headline: The rise in positive cases forces the staff to be reinforced in the Covid unit of the Donostia Hospital
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Titular: SATSE denuncia falta de enfermeras en Los Royales
Headline: SATSE denounces lack of nurses in Los Royales
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Titular: Satse denuncia el «peligro» de la asistencia en Monte San Isidro al haber una única enfermera por planta de noche
Headline: Satse denounces the “danger” of care in Monte San Isidro as there is only one nurse per floor per night
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Titular: “La Bolsa de Empleo hace tiempo que está agotada y la alternativa del Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid a esta falta de enfermeras es cerrar camas”
Headline: “The Employment Exchange has been exhausted for a long time and the alternative from the Government of Madrid to this lack of nurses is to close beds”
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Titular: Este verano se cierran 1.800 camas hospitalarias por falta de enfermeras
Headline: This summer 1,800 hospital beds are closed due to lack of nurses
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Titular: SATSE denuncia una nueva agresión a una enfermera de Toledo por parte de un paciente
Headline: SATSE denounces a new attack on a Toledo nurse by a patient
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Titular: Satse denuncia la agresión verbal de un paciente a una enfermera en el consultorio de Yuncos
Headline: Satse denounces patient’s verbal assault of nurse in the Yuncos office
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Titular: SATSE reclama al Gobierno regional un mayor esfuerzo económico: 1.800 camas hospitalarias se cerrarán en verano por falta de enfermeras
Headline: SATSE demands a greater economic effort from the regional government: 1,800 hospital beds will be closed in summer due to lack of nurses
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Titular: El sindicato Satse denuncia que faltan enfermeras en Vall d’Hebron
Headline: The Satse union denounces the lack of nurses in Vall d’Hebron
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Titular: Más de 20.000 enfermeras piden al Gobierno la jubilación anticipada
Headline: More than 20,000 nurses ask the Government for early retirement
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Titular: 1.800 camas hospitalarias en Madrid se cerrarán este verano por falta de enfermeras, denuncia SATSE
Headline: 1,800 hospital beds in Madrid will be closed this summer due to lack of nurses, SATSE denounces
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Headline: NHS staff criticise ‘incomprehensible’ scrapping of special Covid leave
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Headline: Paid Covid leave rules for NHS staff scrapped in England as cases soar
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Headline: ‘Mentorship training should be mandatory for registered nurses’
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Headline: Half of people back strikes by NHS workers – poll
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Headline: Isle of Man nurses to be balloted over revised pay offer
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Headline: RCN Scotland urges members to reject 5% pay offer
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Headline: Nurse views sought on whistleblowing and patient violence policies
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Headline: ‘Saying ‘enough is enough’ is not enough – we need a real strategy’
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Headline: UCLA nurses fight for better working conditions to preserve quality patient care
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Headline: Largest US Nursing Union Calls for Ending Filibuster to Codify Abortion Rights
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Headline: Nurses call for better working conditions
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Headline: TR Health Nurses Ratify New Contract
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Headline: RN rallies a common sight at Mission Hospital
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Headline: Top US Nurses Union Urges Senators to Suspend Filibuster to Protect Abortion Rights
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Headline: Nurses’ union calls on Senate to pass abortion protections bill
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Headline: Largest nursing union urges Congress to codify abortion rights, end filibuster
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Headline: Understanding H.R. 1195: The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act
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Headline: Pro-abortion majority resists across U.S.
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Headline: Hospital Workplace Violence Up More Than 14% in New Jersey
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Headline: Novant says its ‘non-union’ policy messaging to NHRMC staff is not ‘anti-union’
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Headline: Nurses call for better working conditions
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Headline: Tuscaloosa VA nurses protest staffing and working conditions
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Headline: Moose Lake nurses to picket Tuesday, add to growing pressure on Minnesota hospitals
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Headline: Three Rivers Health nurses ratify new contract
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Headline: Nurses at Three Rivers Health-Beacon Health System ratify new contract
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Headline: Kaiser Permanente nurses strike and rally in LA over patient care concerns
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Headline: Nation’s Largest Union of Nurses Condemns Supreme Court Overturn of Constitutional Right to Abortion
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Headline: 16 healthcare responses to Roe v. Wade reversal
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Headline: ‘Shameful, ‘egregious’: Medical groups react to Roe v Wade overturn
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Headline: Overturn of Roe v. Wade prompts reactions from Michigan organizations
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Headline: SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade
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Headline: ‘Reproductive care is health care’: Doctors, nurses react to Roe overturned
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Headline: Abortion Bans Are Expected in Half the States After Roe Decision
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Headline: Healthcare groups react to Supreme Court abortion ruling
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Headline: Survey: Half of nurses are considering quitting in the next year
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Headline: Are you compliant? Up to date vs. fully vaccinated
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Headline: Moose Lake nurses to picket Tuesday, add to growing pressure on Minnesota hospitals
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Headline: Study shows 51 percent of nurses consider changing jobs in the next year
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Headline: Nurses at Three Rivers Health-Beacon Health System ratify new contract
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Headline: KUNR Today: Nevadans protest the fall of Roe v. Wade, Primary results certified in Nevada counties
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Headline: Supreme Court abortion ruling live updates: Americans can get abortions in Canada: Trudeau