Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Headline: Provider, worker reps demand action on staff jabs
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Headline: Calls for vaccine blitz for Australia’s aged care workers after repeated blunders
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Headline: Coronavirus crisis: NSW records 18 new COVID-19 cases
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Headline: Why TODAY is critical to determine why New South Wales will get out of lockdown – as authorities refuse to rule out extending the rules
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Headline: Alleged lack of staff at Shoalhaven District Hospital putting ‘critically ill’ patients at risk
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Manchete: Sindicato dos Enfermeiros fará testagem gratuita contra Covid, em Mogi
Headline: Union of Nurses will do free testing against Covid, in Mogi
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Manchete: ‘Não tinha suporte’: enfermeiro expõe luta e aprendizados da COVID-19
Headline: ‘I had no support’: nurse exposes the struggle and lessons learned from COVID-19
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Headline: More than 750 beds closed this summer to give staff a boost
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Headline: NDP MLA says Alberta women feeling unfair brunt of fiscal cutbacks
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Headline: United Nurses of Alberta president questions rollback rationale
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Headline: Manitoba nurses deserve a fair contract
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Headline: Province offers funding to help internationally trained nurses get Manitoba certification
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Headline: Yarmouth Nursing Program Gets Boost From The Province
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Titre: Sit-in d’infirmières à l’Hôpital Anna-Laberge
Headline: Nurses sit-in at Anna-Laberge Hospital
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Titre: Encore plus de délestage à l’hôpital Charles-Le Moyne
Headline: Even more load shedding at Charles-Le Moyne hospital
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Titre: L’urgence de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis sous haute pression
Headline: The emergency of the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis under high pressure
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Titular: Nursing personnel threaten a national strike
Headline: Personal enfermería amenaza con paro nacional
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Titular: Inoculación avanzaría sin priorizar población
Headline: Inoculation would advance without segmenting population
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Titular: En un 82% se ha reducido el contagio por COVID-19 en enfermeras de Honduras
Headline: The spread of COVID-19 among nurses in Honduras has been reduced by 82%
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Titular: ANEEAH recomienda dejar de segmentar la población para que avance proceso de vacunación
Headline: ANEEAH recommends to stop segmenting the population to advance the vaccination process
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Titular: ANEEAH denuncia que personal de triajes no le han pagado desde hace tres meses
Headline: ANEEAH denounces that triage personnel have not been paid for three months
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Headline: Pandemic compensation claim by health staff to be heard
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Headline: Healthcare workers ‘insulted’ by lack of offer for their contribution during pandemic
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Headline: Bonus for healthcare staff for their work during the pandemic being ‘actively considered’
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Titolo: Allarme infermieri in Sicilia. NurSind: potenziare il personale sbloccando mobilità e concorsi
Headline: Alarm nurses in Sicily. NurSind: empower staff by unlocking mobility and competitions
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Titolo: Policlinico Messina, un solo infermiere per turno e rischio ferie. NurSind chiede rinnovo contratti
Headline: Messina Polyclinic, only one nurse per shift and holiday risk. NurSind requests renewal of contracts
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Headline: Kenya: Ongwae on the Spot Over Withheld Kisii Nurses’ Salaries
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Headline: Kenya medics disappointed with fight against Covid-19
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Headline: New Zealand Nurses Organisation optimistic about DHB negotiations after ‘change in attitude’
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Headline: NZNO Members Approve Three More Strikes
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Headline: Queensland job pitch for Kiwi nurses and midwives promises warm reception
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Headline: Wellington Hospital’s emergency department overcrowding at record levels
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Titular: Más del 90% de enfermeros ya está vacunado contra COVID
Headline: More than 90% of nurses are already vaccinated against COVID
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Headline: Nurses’ groups reject proposal to abolish board exams
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Manchete: Alerta do Sindicato dos Enfermeiros Portugueses: exaustão pode colocar em causa ritmo da vacinação
Headline: Alert from the Portuguese Nurses Union: exhaustion can jeopardize the pace of vaccination
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Manchete: Governo dos Açores e sindicatos dos enfermeiros chegam a acordo
Headline: Azores government and nurses’ unions reach agreement
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Manchete: Sindicato quer reforço de 20 mil enfermeiros no SNS
Headline: Union wants reinforcement of 20 thousand nurses in the NHS
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Headline: Mandy Wiener speaks to Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa’s Bongani Mazibuko about the shortage of nurses in the province.
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Headline: Gauteng running out of nurses
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Titular: SATSE CyL alerta de la falta de enfermeras en Primaria ante la quinta ola de la pandemia
Headline: SATSE CyL warns of the lack of nurses in Primary Care before the fifth wave of the pandemic
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Titular: SATSE denuncia la falta de enfermeras con centros salud y urgencias saturadas
Headline: SATSE denounces the lack of nurses with health centers and emergencies at capacity
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Titular: Satse denuncia nuevas renuncias de enfermeras en Cortes
Headline: Satse denounces new resignations of nurses in Cortes
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Headline: Nurses in Sri Lanka to protest against cabinet
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Headline: ‘Reckless’: Nurses sound alarm over plans to scrap Covid-19 rules on 19 July
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Headline: Pandemic will not simply ‘disappear on 19 July’, warn nurses
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Headline: Mission nurses ratify contract; deal includes 7% wage increase in 1st year
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Headline: Cook County nurses approve contract addressing short-staffing, patient care after strike, union says
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Headline: Many nurses feel ‘burned out’ from pandemic
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Headline: Mission nurses ratify first union contract, taking ‘big step forward,’ supporters say
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Headline: Mission Hospital RNs ratify first ever union contract
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Headline: Mission Hospital nurses approve 1st union contract
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Headline: Physicians Have a Duty to Confront the Exploitative Industry That Employs Them
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Headline: Bayfront Health St. Petersburg’s owner touts hospital turnaround
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Headline: Biden Taps Miami Politician to Oversee DOL’s Jobless Aid Arm (1)
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Headline: How Business Weakened COVID Workplace Protections
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Headline: Mission Nurses Agree To New Contract With Wage Increases
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Headline: Are recent labor actions getting nursing unions what they want?
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Headline: Nurses Picket Southern California Hospital to Protest Contract Violations
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Headline: Nurses union reaches tentative contract agreement with Bradenton hospital’s owner
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Headline: Trinity Health Mandates COVID-19 Vaccinations For Employees, Contractors
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Headline: Trinity Health to require all staff and contractors to get COVID-19 vaccine
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Headline: Recent rulings may embolden hospital employees to speak publicly about safety issues