Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Titolo: Gli Infermieri del Global Nurses United (GNU) chiedono accesso equo e rapido ai vaccini anti-Covid a tutti.
Headline: Global Nurses United (GNU) Nurses demand equal and quick access to Covid vaccines for all.
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Titular: Sindicatos de enfermeros de 27 países reclaman un acceso “justo y equitativo” a las vacunas contra la COVID-19
Headline: Nurses unions in 27 countries demand “fair and equitable” access to vaccines against COVID-19
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Headline: “No way to treat heroes”, state government makes nurses pay for parking
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Headline: Nurses call for more dignity in aged care
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Manchete: Profissionais de saude relatam esgotamento mental
Headline: Health professionals report mental exhaustion
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Manchete: Enfermeira pede lockdown em Sergipe
Headline: Nurse asks for lockdown in Sergipe
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Headline: Nurses want to know when they’ll be vaccinated, union says
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Headline: Fitzgerald says she needs flexibility on vaccination timeline in Newfoundland and Labrador
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Headline: Health minister, department contradict each other over management of mobile mental health
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Headline: Retention a priority for nurses’ union
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Headline: COVID-19 expenses push Nova Scotia budget into $585-million deficit
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Headline: Nurses given voice in COVID-19 response
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Headline: Alberta nurses, AUPE reject government proposals to delay bargaining
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Headline: Alberta nurses reject AHS proposal to delay negotiations during COVID-19
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Headline: They saw suffering and death and braved COVID-19 in long-term-care homes. Ontario nurses recount the horrors of the frontlines that left many with PTSD symptoms
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Titre: Grande victoire de la FIQ et de la FIQP au Tribunal administratif du travail?!
Headline: Great victory for the FIQ and the FIQP at the Administrative Labor Tribunal?!
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Headline: Health-care workers need N95 masks in COVID-19 hot and warm zones, judge rules
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Titre: Bas-Saint-Laurent: encore beaucoup de postes à combler dans le réseau de la santé
Headline: Bas-Saint-Laurent: still many positions to fill in the health network
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Headline: OPINION: A year into the pandemic, Nova Scotia nurses exhausted and concerned
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Headline: Nurses call Alberta finance minister insulting, hypocritical in contract talks
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Headline: Thinking Out Loud with Sheldon MacLeod: Janet Hazelton and lessons from nurses
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Titre: Une année sans convention collective dans le réseau de la santé
Headline: A year without a collective agreement in the healthcare network
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Titre: « Il y a urgence d’agir », plaide la FIQ
Headline: “There is an urgent need to act”, pleads the FIQ
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Titular: Salubristas bloquean ruta de Zacapa a Chiquimula; exigen cumplir Pacto Colectivo
Headline: Health workers block the route from Zacapa to Chiquimula; demand to comply with the Collective Agreement
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Titular: Salubristas realizan de nuevo bloqueos exigiendo cumplimiento de pacto colectivo
Headline: Health workers carry out blockades again demanding compliance with the collective agreement
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Headline: President of the ANEEAH, Josué Orellana And His Wife, Tested Positive For COVID-19
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Titular: Más de siete mil enfermeras serán vacunadas contra el COVID-19 en las próximas horas: ANEEAH
Headline: More than seven thousand nurses will be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the next few hours: ANEEAH
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Titular: Enfermera pierde la batalla contra la COVID-19 en la capital
Headline: Nurse loses the battle against COVID-19 in the capital
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Headline: Auxiliary Nurse Dies from Covid-19 And There Have Already Been 44 Since the Pandemic Began
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Headline: 64 On Trolleys at University Hospital Limerick
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Headline: HSE says there’s ‘intention to recognise’ role of health staff during pandemic
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Headline: INMO: 15 Patients Being Treated On Trolleys At Naas General Hospital Today.
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Titolo: PIEMONTE – Nursind: ospedali al collasso: “C’era il tempo e gli strumenti per far sì che non accadesse”
Headline: PIEDMONT – Nursind: hospitals collapsing: “There was time and tools to ensure that it didn’t happen”
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Titolo: Covid, NurSind: Centinaia richieste sostegno psicologico tra gli infermieri
Headline: Covid, NurSind: Hundreds requested psychological support among nurses
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Titolo: NurSind Carbonia: infermiere colpito al volto con una bottiglia durante TSO
Headline: NurSind Carbonia: nurse hit in the face with a bottle during TSO
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Titolo: Coronavirus, Nursind attacca: “Gravi criticità negli ospedali piemontesi”
Headline: Coronavirus, Nursind attacks: “Serious critical issues in Piedmontese hospitals”
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Titolo: Covid, allarme Nursind: “Centinaia di richieste di sostegno psicologico tra il personale ospedaliero”
Headline: Covid, Nursind alarm: “Hundreds of requests for psychological support among hospital staff”
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Titolo: COVID-19, ICN: esodo infermieri esperti, servono retribuzioni più alte
Headline: COVID-19, ICN: exodus expert nurses, higher wages are needed
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Titolo: NurSind Pescara. Da un anno senza le indennità promesse agli infermieri Covid
Headline: NurSind Pescara. A year without the bonuses promised to Covid nurses
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Titolo: PIEMONTE – Nursind Piemonte: “Ospedali nuovamente al collasso”
Headline: PIEMONTE – Nursind Piemonte: “Hospitals collapsing again”
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Titolo: Nursind Piemonte: “Ospedali al collasso. Stremati infermieri e operatori sanitari”
Headline: Nursind Piemonte: “Hospitals collapsing. Exhausted nurses and health workers”
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Headline: COVID: Piedmont hospitals close to collapse say nurses
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Headline: Mombasa County ICU Beds Empty as Other Counties Grapple with Shortage Amid Third COVID-19 Wave
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Headline: Lesotho sacks hundreds of striking nurses as doctors warn of dire shortages
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Headline: Nurses stand up for aged-care minimum staffing
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Headline: COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine: Concerns there won’t be enough staff trained for the wider vaccine rollout
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Headline: Call for better staffing in aged residential care facilities
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Headline: Understaffing’s Dire Impacts On Aged Care Highlighted – NZNO
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Headline: Covid-19: Nurses union calls for Govt to establish vaccine programme for Pasifika
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Titular: En terapia, 15 médicos y 13 enfermeras graves
Headline: In therapy, 15 doctors and 13 serious nurses
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Titular: Están a punto de colapsar y “es una bofetada que aumenten salarios”
Headline: They are about to collapse and “it is a slap in the face that they increase wages”
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Titular: COVID-19: “El aumento del número de casos es alarmante”
Headline: COVID-19: “The increase in the number of cases is alarming”
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Titular: Enfermeras marchan hasta el Minsa para exigir mejores condiciones laborales en pandemia [VIDEO]
Headline: Nurses march to the Minsa to demand better working conditions in a pandemic [VIDEO]
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Headline: Alliance of Health Workers blasts Duterte’s ‘maliit na bagay’ remark
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Headline: Philippines logs record-high 7,999 COVID-19 cases
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Headline: Nurses ‘tired, losing hope’ amid coronavirus surge, call on DOH’s Duque to resign
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Headline: New cases breach 8k mark: Hospital group seeks ‘reinforcement’
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Headline: For decency’s sake
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Headline: Philippine Heart Center confirms death of male nurse
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Headline: Angara seeks update on distribution of Bayanihan 2 benefits for health workers
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Headline: Health workers group urge gov’t to address low pay, under staffing amid COVID-19
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Headline: Medical groups give gov’t pandemic response an ‘F’
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Headline: Public health care gets pittance from huge COVID-19 loans
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Headline: ICU capacity in Metro Manila at moderate risk, Cordillera in danger zone
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Headline: COVID-19: Government Guarantees That There Will Be Enough Nurses for Vaccination
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Manchete: Sindicato alerta que contratação de enfermeiros pelas autarquias pode ser perigosa
Headline: Union warns that municipalities hiring nurses can be dangerous
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Manchete: Covid-19: Sindicato diz que enfermeiros estão “exaustos” da “retórica política” sem concretização
Headline: Covid-19: Union says nurses are “exhausted” from “political rhetoric” without materializing
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Manchete: Sindicato quer que 155 enfermeiros precários do Hospital da Feira passem aos quadros
Headline: Union wants 155 temporary nurses from Hospital da Feira to join the staff
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Headline: Mayhem at new KwaMashu hospital
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Headline: Anger over attack on midwife
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Headline: Covid-19: Compassion fatigue and burnout ‘increasingly common’ for Cape health-care staff
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Headline: Midwife at Appelsbosch hospital in KZN strangled, slapped and kicked while at work
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Headline: Fears that dismissal of 346 nurses in Lesotho may lead to Basotho burdening SA’s health-care facilities
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Titular: Per què no arriben les vacunes?
Headline: Why don’t vaccines arrive?
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Titular: SATSE reclama una norma común para la prestación por riesgo de embarazo de las enfermeras y fisioterapeutas del SSPA
Headline: SATSE calls for a common standard for the pregnancy risk benefit for SSPA nurses and physiotherapists
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Titular: Satse se reúne con el alcalde de León para trasladarle la problemática de las enfermeras de residencias de mayores
Headline: Satse meets with the mayor of León to discuss the problem of nursing home nurses
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Titular: SATSE: “Peor atención a los pacientes y peores condiciones laborales de las enfermeras y enfermeros en el año COVID”
Headline: SATSE: “Worse attention to patients and worse working conditions for nurses in the year of COVID”
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Titular: Las enfermeras de Castilla y León desconvocan la huelga tras llegar a un acuerdo
Headline: The nurses of Castilla y León call off the strike after reaching an agreement
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Titular: Más enfermeras ‘quemadas’ y con estrés, ansiedad y otros problemas físicos y psicológicos tras un año de pandemia
Headline: More nurses ‘burned out’ and with stress, anxiety and other physical and psychological problems after a year of the pandemic
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Titular: SATSE asegura que hay “más enfermeras ‘quemadas’ en el año del covid”
Headline: SATSE assures that there are “more nurses ‘burned’ in the year of the covid”
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Titular: El 70% de los enfermeros sufre el síndrome del profesional “quemado” y el 90% se siente estresado, según Satse
Headline: 70% of nurses suffer from “burnout” syndrome and 90% feel stressed, according to Satse
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Titular: Enfermeras quemadas y estresadas por la covid
Headline: Nurses burned and stressed by covid
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Titular: SATSE Castilla y León desconvoca la huelga de enfermeras
Headline: SATSE Castilla y León calls off the nurses’ strike
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Headline: ‘Our nurses are in total despair’: Toll of Covid pandemic on frontline revealed
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Headline: Royal College of Nursing head calls for a nurse in every school to help tackle growing toll of mental health issues among children in wake of pandemic
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Headline: RCN urges prime minister to ‘stand by nurses who stood by him’
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Headline: Nurses’ leader appeals to PM to reconsider ‘measly’ 1% pay offer
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Headline: RCN leader: PM must stand by nursing staff and reward them
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Headline: Labour blasts ‘shabby’ treatment of nurses and calls for increased pay offer
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Headline: Fair pay now, say health unions as ‘hidden abuse’ of unpaid overtime soars
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Headline: 100 Women of Color Remember Their First Encounter With Racism—And How They Overcame It
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Headline: Pandemic and Trump-era neglect overwhelm federal agency tasked with worker safety
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Headline: ‘I want to be protected’: Nurses still worried about dangerous work conditions, COVID mutations
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Headline: Bill to Protect Patients From Hospital Collection Efforts Advances
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Headline: Workplace violence rises, particularly for nurses, frontline workers
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Headline: The 14 biggest lessons from the pandemic, according to leading experts
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Headline: Security Restrictions On Capitol Grounds Had Cut Off An Iconic Place Of Protest
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Headline: Sutter hospital fined $155K over infection control violations after nurse’s death
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Headline: COVID-19 Live Updates: Facebook Sets Reopening Date for Bay Area Offices
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Headline: Oakland medical center faces fines over COVID-19 death of nurse
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Headline: COVID-19 death of nurse leads to fines at Summit Hospital in Oakland
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Headline: Maine Medical Center nurses divided on union as vote looms
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Headline: Without data, COVID-19’s impact on some San Diego minorities is overlooked, advocates say
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Headline: More than 80 Filipino nurses died from COVID-19 in the US — report
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Headline: At least 83 Filipinos among registered nurses who died of COVID-19 in US: report
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Headline: Nursing schools turn to simulations during the pandemic. But do they work?
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Headline: Maine Medical Center nurses holding unionization vote
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Headline: COVID violations: Sutter’s Alta Bates Summit Medical Center fined $155,000
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Headline: A nurse died of COVID-19. Now Sacramento-based Sutter Health faces major fine
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Headline: Sutter Health fined $155K after nurse’s death investigation
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Headline: Virus Worker Safety Rule Tests Biden After Trump DOL Nixed Draft
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Headline: Nurses, Teachers, and Experts Push Back Against Rush to Reopen Schools as Covid-19 Cases Spike
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Headline: America’s Filipino nurses remain resilient pillars at home and abroad despite pandemic
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Headline: Report: 83 Filipino Registered Nurses In The US Have Died Of COVID-19
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Headline: New Medicare for All Bill Gets Support of Some Docs, Nurses
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Headline: N95 Mask Market 2021 | Size, industry Trends, Outlook, Opportunity Till 2027
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Headline: Survival Beyond The Pandemic: Women’s History Month
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Headline: ‘Next-generation’ Kaiser medical center to open in West Berkeley in May
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Headline: Watsonville Community Hospital receives support from City Council
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Headline: New bill aims to lift union restrictions at the VA
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Headline: Essential Workers On Frontlines Reflect On 1 Year Of COVID-19 Pandemic
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Headline: Essential workers mark one-year anniversary of COVID-19
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Headline: Lawmakers and government agencies are exploring greater protections for
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Headline: ‘She Left Behind This Legacy’: Nurse Of Nearly 3 Decades Dies Of COVID-19 In West Covina
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Headline: California health care workers push for better conditions
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Headline: ‘Faceless death’: After a year of denial and limited public mourning, COVID survivors ask Americans to grieve with them
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Headline: A year of pandemic through the lens of photographer Brittany Murray
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Headline: Providence St. Joseph Claims Redwood Memorial Hospital Can’t Deliver: Closure Puts Rural Humboldt At Risk, Say Many in The Community
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Headline: ‘A creature of white supremacy’: AFL-CIO targets filibuster
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Headline: They Died Saving Others From Covid. Will Anyone Count Them?
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Headline: 14 Lessons for the Next Pandemic
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Headline: Face mask standard in workplaces misses president’s deadline
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Headline: New Efforts to Protect Health Care Workers from Violence Amid Pandemic
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Headline: In letter to Maine Med, Democratic lawmakers call out hospital for attempted union busting
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Headline: Patients, family pledge support for nurses’ union at Maine Med
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Headline: Baffling Illness in Children Follows in the Wake of COVID
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Headline: Campaign spending divide for OP prez
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Headline: Maine Medical Center nurses want a union, need support
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Headline: Lawmakers to Maine Medical Center: ‘Fire union busters,’ let nurses vote freely
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Headline: As students throng FL beaches during Spring Break, a national nurses’ union warns of the danger
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Headline: Quick Hits
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Headline: The Fight Over the Public Option Is Already Here
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Headline: OSHA targets coronavirus inspections to health care, meatpacking firms
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Headline: The Essential Pandemic Relief Bill Is Medicare for All
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Headline: Catherine Kennedy, RN: Nurses’ Fight for Public Health and Worker Power
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Headline: Maine Senate president: Maine Med nurses deserve to be heard. With a union, they will be.
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Headline: Pandemic’s impact propels new push for Medicare for All
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Headline: On the Front Lines: Violence Against Nurses on the Rise
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Headline: Democratic legislative leaders reprimand Maine Medical Center for ‘union busting’ tactics
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Headline: Covid has killed 3,000-plus U.S. health care workers of color – new report
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Headline: Workplace violence rises, particularly for nurses, frontline workers
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Headline: OSHA targets coronavirus inspections to health care, meatpacking firms
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Headline: Continued role of anti-union contractors at Maine Medical Center scrutinized
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Headline: Patients, Families Voice Support for Portland Nurses’ Union Bid
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Headline: Top Democratic Lawmakers Blast Maine Medical Center For Opposing Nurses Union