Below is a collection of links to news stories, provided by Global Nurses United, about nurses in other nations and how they are advocating for their patients.
Titre: Manque d’employés en santé : Au moins 50 professionnels déplacés
Headline: Lack of healthy employees: At least 50 professionals displaced
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Headline: ‘This is a very serious situation’: Sask. nurses’ union calls for public to follow COVID-19 health orders
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Headline: “It’s really a dark time in long-term care”: SUN president
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Headline: Government unprepared for second wave: Survey
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Headline: Recruitment for Manitoba’s vaccination team a ‘gong show’
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Headline: Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union campaign encourages public to get COVID-19 shots
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Headline: Nova Scotia withheld $229K in funding from long-term care homes over empty beds during COVID-19
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Headline: Ten months into the pandemic, health worker infections are spiking
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Headline: Hamilton doctors call on province to pay nurses self-isolating after negative COVID tests
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Headline: Frontline workers in parts of Ontario aren’t getting paid while self-isolating following COVID-19 exposure
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Headline: Some Ontario nurses no longer paid during self-isolation if they test negative after COVID-19 exposure
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Headline: Alta. nurses will now get paid when they have to self-isolate
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Headline: Alberta nurses now eligible for COVID-19 paid sick leave
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Dominican Republic
Titular: Cifra récord: 2,370 contagios de coronavirus se registran en el país
Headline: Record number: 2,370 coronavirus infections are registered in the country
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Titular: La Aneeah reportó 34 enfermeras fallecidas y 96 retiradas por COVID-19
Headline: Aneeah reported 34 deceased nurses and 96 withdrawn by COVID-19
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Titular: ANEEAH reporta 34 enfermeras fallecidas por COVID-19 y 96 auxiliares retiradas por el coronavirus
Headline: ANEEAH reports 34 nurses died from COVID-19 and 96 aides retired due to the coronavirus
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Titular: ANEEAH alerta sobre falta de personal en centros de salud ante jubilaciones de enfermeras
Headline: ANEEAH alerts about lack of personnel in health centers due to nurses’ retirements
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Titular: ANEEAH prevé crisis ante jubilación de 1,000 enfermeras en plena pandemia
Headline: ANEEAH forsees crisis due to retirement of 1,000 nurses amid pandemic
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Headline: Student nurses ‘frustrated’ at ‘last-minute decision’ to redeploy teaching nurses to help with Covid-19 surge
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Headline: Nurses union urge Limerick hospital bosses to pull ‘threatening’ memo
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Headline: Cork hospital has second highest trolley figures in the country today
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Titolo: NurSind Asti chiede di conoscere i piani d’assunzione per i servizi infermieristici distrettuali
Headline: NurSind Asti asks to know the recruitment plans for the district nursing services
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Titolo: Sanità, Nursind attacca Aou Sassari: “Personale carente e impegni disattesi”
Headline: Health, Nursind criticizes Aou Sassari: “Lack of staff and unfulfilled commitments”
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Titolo: Coronavirus, Bottega (Nursind): “Infermieri allo stremo. Il Governo ci sostenga”
Headline: Coronavirus, Bottega (Nursind): “Nurses at the end. The Government support us ”
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Headline: Striking nurses ask CoG to stop politicizing their grievances
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Headline: Kenya: Bungoma Nurses Suspend Strike Paving Way for Dialogue With County Government
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Headline: Bungoma nurses suspend strike after deal with county
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Headline: Striking nurses, Governors maintain hardline stance
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Headline: We’ll go on with strike, healthcare workers say
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Headline: Nurses In Fresh Strike Threat From Monday
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New Zealand
Headline: Finding enough staff to administer the Covid-19 jab could be a challenge in NZ
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Titular: Enfermera se habría quitado la vida y desde gremio urgen apoyo psicológico a Salud
Headline: Nurse may have taken her own life and the union urges psychological support from Ministry of Health
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Headline: PH coronavirus deaths breach 10,000 mark
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Manchete: Sindicato dos Enfermeiros quer solução para precários no Centro Hospitalar de Vila Real
Headline: Union of Nurses wants a solution for the uncertainty at the Hospital Center of Vila Real
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Manchete: Gozo de férias nos Hospitais de Coimbra motiva criticas dos enfermeiros
Headline: Vacation time at Coimbra Hospitals motivates nurses’ criticism
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Manchete: Sindicato dos Enfermeiros exige retomar negociações com vista à carreira única
Headline: Nurses Union demands to resume negotiations with a view to a unique career
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South Africa
Headline: ‘We are exhausted, dying,’ cry KZN’s healthcare workers
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Headline: ‘NC health institutions need more nurses’
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Headline: Nurses union Denosa says many nurses contracted for the Covid-19 response are being unfairly treated in terms of labour laws.
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Headline: Take care of us so we can take care of our people, says Denosa
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Headline: South Africa: Mpumalanga Health Workers Depleted and Unprotected
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South Korea
Headline: Burned-out nurses calling for extra staff
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Titular: Satse inicia una campaña en Andalucía para agradecer el trabajo de enfermeras y fisioterapeutas frente al Covid
Headline: Satse starts a campaign in Andalusia to thank nurses and physiotherapists for work against Covid
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Titular: Satse denuncia que se siga sin contratar suficientes enfermeras para hacer frente a la sobrecarga de trabajo
Headline: Satse reports that not enough nurses continue to be hired to cope with the work overload
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Titular: SATSE critica la falta de contratación de enfermeras pese a haber 3.000 en paro
Headline: SATSE criticizes the failure to hire nurses despite 3,000 unemployed
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Titular: Satse denuncia que no se contratan más enfermeras cuando hay 3.000 en paro
Headline: Satse denounces that more nurses are not hired when there are 3,000 unemployed
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Titular: Satse insiste en que la figura de la enfermera escolar “evita gran parte de los brotes en los centros educativos”
Headline: Satse insists that the figure of the school nurse “prevents a large part of outbreaks in educational centers”
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Titular: Satse denuncia la falta de atención y cuidado a los profesionales sanitarios
Headline: Satse denounces the lack of care and attention to healthcare professionals
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United Kingdom
Headline: Covid-19: NI nurses face ‘tsunami of mental health issues’
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Headline: Nursing leaders call for PPE review in light of new coronavirus variants
Headline: ‘Mass trauma’ experienced by nurses during pandemic as unions warn of top staff quitting
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Headline: ‘Long-term plan needed’ to address nurses’ Covid-19 trauma
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Headline: Health unions urge PM to ensure NHS staff receive a promised wage rise soon
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Headline: Boris Johnson urged to personally intervene so NHS heroes are given a pay rise
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United States
Headline: Maine Med nurses launch attempt to unionize, as organizing in profession increases
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Headline: More hospital safety cuts could exacerbate COVID-19 pandemic, nurses union warns
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Headline: Sutter Coast RNs vote to join union
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Headline: The Patient-to-Staff Ratios Won By California Nurses Save Lives. We Need More of Them.
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Headline: Pinoy nurses in US dread possible coronavirus 2nd wave —NYT report
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Headline: Biden Outlines ‘Bold’ National Vaccine Effort
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Headline: Olympia Medical Center may yet stay open to help cope with pandemic, city official says
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Headline: Nurses demand hospital set to close stay open amid surge of Covid-19 cases
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Headline: California Is Overriding Its Limits on Nurse Workloads as Covid Surges
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Headline: “People Are Going to Die”: Medical Center to Close Despite 0% ICU Capacity
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Headline: California is overriding its limits on nurse workloads as Covid surges
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Headline: UCLA nurses protest possible increase in number of patients per nurse in hospitals
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Headline: ‘A lot of us are going to have PTSD.’ Fatigue, burnout plague hospital staffs during COVID surge
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Headline: Cases of new COVID strain are rising; FL nurses warn the variant could trigger more hospitalizations, deaths
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Headline: Biden orders OSHA to explore new work safety standards for workers at risk of COVID-19
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Headline: California COVID-19 surge leaves hospital nurses frustrated over staffing shortages
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Headline: ‘A lot of us are going to have PTSD.’ Fatigue, burnout plague hospital staffs during COVID surge
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Headline: The Challenges Posed By COVID-19 Pushed Many Workers to Strike. Will the Labor Movement See Sustained Interest?