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Workplace Violence Toolkit

Collective bargaining on the subject of workplace violence

This section lists collective bargaining agreement language on the subject of workplace violence and harassment, domestic violence, and psychological well-being.


Canadian Labour Congress (National)

CLC’s Model Language on Domestic Violence and the Workplace

Collective Agreement Language

These model clauses are suggested language that unions can use to develop proposals on domestic violence and the workplace for collective bargaining purposes. Using the principles and language adapted from precedents in Canada and Australia, this model language can serve as a starting point.

Unifor (National)

Unifor’s Model Language on Domestic Violence and the Workplace

This booklet is intended to answer most of the questions your bargaining committee may have in order to prepare to bargain a domestic violence policy and program (including a Women’s Advocate).

Unifor (National)

Unifor’s Model Language on Workplace Violence and Harassment

Describes model language and negotiated procedures to address workplace violence and harassment.

Registered Nurses Union of Newfoundland and Labrador

RNUNL’s Provincial Collective Agreement

The collective agreement addresses workplace violence and harassment in Article 47 where it defines violence and harassment and prohibits these activities. It compels the employer to develop policies, to be reviewed annually, to prevent violence and to investigate violence and harassment with appropriate actions to follow.

Prince Edward Island Nurses’ Union

PEINU’s Provincial Collective Agreement

The collective agreement addresses harassment violence in Article 6 where it includes language concerning discrimination, securing a harassment- and violence-free environment, prevention policies, investigations, appropriate follow-up, protections for filing a complaint, and a workplace harassment policy. Article 36 addresses adherence to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Joint Health and Safety Committees. Article 25 addresses being injured on duty.

Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union

NSNU’s Provincial Collective Agreement

The collective agreement addresses nurse safety and security measures in Article 16 where it includes language concerning Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, injuries on duty, WCB and return to work, and security measures. Abuse is not condoned and every reasonable effort will be made end an abusive situation. Specific commitments exist to ensure security measures at emergency departments at select times, and exemptions from working alone at the work site which apply to most nurses.

New Brunswick Nurses’ Union

NBNU’s Provincial Collective Agreement, part III (Nurses)

The collective agreement addresses safety and health in Article 39 where it includes language concerning reasonable provisions for the safety and health of employees during employment. Specific commitments consist of joint health and safety committee duties and procedure. A Letter of Intent (pg. 100) commits the employer to implementing a workplace violence prevention policy and best practice measures. A Letter of Intent (pg.101) addresses safe staffing issues and professional practice appeals.

Ontario Nurses Association

ONA’s Provincial Hospital Central Agreement (expiry March 31, 2018)

The collective agreement addresses violence in Article 3 where it includes language cementing agreement to a safe workplace free of violence and harassment. Article 6.05 under Occupational Health & Safety defines workplace violence, and addresses work refusals and appropriate solutions to address violence and verbal abuse. Specific commitments consist of flagging, security guard qualification, training, personal alarms, and risk assessments.

Manitoba Nurses’ Union

MNU’s Collective Agreement with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

The collective agreement addresses abuse in Article 7A.04 where it includes language of zero tolerance towards workplace abuse of nurses and joint administration of resolving abuse. Specific commitments compromise notifying the union within ninety-six hours of receiving a report, an annual review of the policy, and quick and impartial investigation. Article 7 addresses sexual or workplace harassment with language protecting privacy.

Saskatchewan Union of Nurses

SUN’s Provincial Collective Agreement

The collective agreement addresses discrimination and harassment in Article 4 and commits the employer to a policy with specified measures. Article 61 addresses occupational health and safety and violence where the occupational risk of violence is acknowledged. Specific language requires employers to provide violence- and abuse-prevention training, the right to refuse unsafe work, critical incident stress management, protective equipment, and communication measures when working alone.

United Nurses of Alberta

UNA’s Provincial Collective Agreement 

The collective agreement addresses domestic violence leave in Article 22.13 and permits employees to request 10 unpaid, job-protected leave days. Article 34 addresses occupational health and safety and ensures a harassment policy and a workplace violence policy. There are substantial specific commitments which include ongoing hazard assessments, information sharing, working-alone precautions, and the implementation of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.

British Columbia Nurses' Union

BCNU’s Provincial Collective Agreement. 

The collective agreement (2014-2019) addresses violence in Article 32 which includes a commitment to violence reduction in every worksite. Specific Commitments consist of support for work required outside the worksite, reporting client’s violent history, critical incident support resources and paid time-off, training guidelines, and violence prevention training. A Letter of Agreement (pg. 138) compels Health Authorities to adopt the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.

British Columbia Nurses’ Union

BCNU’s post, Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace

The Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) collective agreement that was ratified in 2016 includes a Letter of Agreement that requires each health authority to adopt and implement the Standard; it is no longer voluntary for health authorities in British Columbia.