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Workplace Violence Toolkit

Policies & Resources - Comprehensive Toolkits (Provincial, National & International)

This section covers large sets of resources provided as complete sets, offered provincially, nationally and internationally.


Nova Scotia Health + Community Services Safety Association

Safety Management System. Inventory of Tools and Resources

AWARE-NS has developed a Safety Management System (SMS) of 13 elements, complete with program content, tools, templates and forms that will support the needs of the Nova Scotia Health and Community Services sectors.

Workplace Violence Prevention Program

Six modules for implementing Workplace Violence Prevention programs, including tools, templates, education and information.


Nursing Homes. Resource List

To help reduce the frequency and severity of these injuries, WorkSafeNB has been working since 2012 with the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes. Here are some resources we hope will help nursing home administrators and workers keep their workplaces safe.

Public Services Health & Safety Association (Ontario)

Addressing Workplace Violence in Health

The tools and resources found on this site will provide workplaces with a consistent, scalable and consensus-based approach that can be used to build a comprehensive program or enhance an existing program with new tools and resources.

Workplace Violence Prevention Resources: Recommendations and Products

The Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare Leadership Table was created in August 2015 with a goal to drive a positive shift in organizational workplace violence prevention efforts.

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (Manitoba)

Occupational and Environmental Safety & Health: Policies, Operational Procedures and Guides 

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s overview of policies, operational procedures and guidelines for worker safety.

Prairie Mountain Health (Manitoba)

Provincial Healthcare Violence Prevention Program

The Provincial Healthcare Violence Prevention Program for Health Care Workers in Manitoba has been developed to ensure that every reasonable effort will be made to mitigate, eliminate or reduce all forms of violence in health care workplaces.

Government of Alberta

Sample Workplace Harassment & Violence Prevention Plan Samples and Templates

Sample policies and procedures templates designed to help employers when developing their workplace harassment and violence prevention plans.

Alberta’s Continuing Care Safety Association

Workplace Violence & Aggression Prevention Program

The Workplace Violence and Aggression Prevention Program provides the information, framework, training and resources you’ll need to incorporate an effective workplace violence prevention program into your health and safety management system.

Safecare BC

Resources: Violence Prevention

Resources include sample policies and information on violence risks such as dementia, evaluations on procedure, advice, and links to training modules.

Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association & Washington State Hospital Association

Preventing HealthCare Workplace Violence Toolkit

This toolkit describes the multifaceted factors that contribute to “aggressive behavior” and the best practices of an aggressive behavior response program. Throughout each section of the toolkit. Hospital Highlights can be found with real examples of how hospitals in Washington and throughout the country have implemented effective best practices to combat this issue.

Minnesota Department of Health

Online Prevention of Violence Toolkit

This online Prevention of Violence in Healthcare toolkit is designed to be a resource for any facility that would like to establish a violence prevention program or improve their current program. It contains sample policies and procedures, staff education tools, information on data collection and reporting as well as developing a culture of accountability, risk identification tools, and guidance on responding to incidents. You are welcome to make use of anything in this toolkit, or to adapt it for your own purposes. Where appropriate, please cite the organization that is the source of the tool.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Preventing Workplace Violence: a Roadmap for Healthcare Facilities

OSHA has developed this road map to assist healthcare employers and employees interested in establishing a
workplace violence prevention program or in strengthening an existing program. This road map is related to another OSHA publication called Guidelines for the Prevention of Violence in Healthcare . Like the guidelines, this road map describes the five core components of a workplace violence prevention program. It also provides real-world examples of how healthcare facilities have put workplace violence policies and procedures into practice.

Oregon Workplace Safety Initiative: Stop Violence in Health Care

Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit: a toolkit for prevention and management

This comprehesive toolkit, authored by Lynda Enos, RN, BSN, MS, COHN-S, CPE, will assist health care leadership and violence prevention committees and other stakeholders to:

  • Evaluate the workplace violence program and individual violence prevention practices at their facility or within their organization, against current best practices in violence prevention.
  • Identify and engage stakeholders and enhance the culture of worker and patient safety.
  • Develop or strengthen their workplace violence program and policy by identifying process that can be implemented to manage or control violence, and can address the risk of violence proactively.

Published by Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems