These sources provide a quantitative snapshot of violence and safety in the health care workforce in Alberta.
Government of Alberta
Yearly provincial summaries which provide statistical information of workplace injuries, diseases and fatalities in Alberta for 2016, along with sectorial data infographics.
United Nurses of Alberta
UNA News Bulletin, Summer 2018: a recent survey of UNA membership found that about 43% of respondents had experienced physical violence in the previous 12 months, and in most cases (97%) the person responsible was a patient. Notably, almost 18% said they had experienced physical violence at work during their most recent five shifts. Verbal abuse was experienced by about 70% of respondents in the previous 12 months, and nearly 40% said they had been verbally abused in the previous five shifts.
Can J Nurs Res 2001
This study (done by Duncan S.M. et al.) examined responses to a survey on violence in the workplace from a sample of 8,780 registered nurses practicing in 210 hospitals in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Findings relate to the frequency of violence against nurses, reported as the number of times they experienced a violent incident in the workplace. Nearly half (46%) of those surveyed had experienced 1 or more types of violence in the last 5 shifts worked.
United Nurses of Alberta
UNA News Bulletin, Spring 2016. For every 100,000 FTEs worked in construction, the WCB accepted 13 workplace violence claims. For every 100,000 FTEs worked in health care, the WCB accepted 802 workplace violence claims.