These sources provide a quantitative snapshot of violence and safety in the health care workforce in Nova Scotia.
Multi-stakeholder project (2018) involving Nova Scotia Health and Community Services Safety Association (AWARE-NS), Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, and several others
This project’s work involved assessing the current state
of occupational health and safety within the home care, long-term care and disability support sectors in Nova Scotia, including
identifying probable root causes of work-related injuries.
Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union
Nurses speak out on the state of long term care in Nova Scotia and chart a course for a sustainable future. Includes results of an NSNU survey of members working in long-term care, detailing workplace safety concerns, injuries, staffing, patient acuity, as well as their experience of violence, abuse and aggression.
2016 statistics on injuries by nature of injury, industry type, and part of body injured.