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Workplace Violence Toolkit

Statistics on Workplace Violence in Nova Scotia

These sources provide a quantitative snapshot of violence and safety in the health care workforce in Nova Scotia.


Workplace Safety for Nova Scotia’s Home Care, Long Term Care & Disability Support Sectors

Multi-stakeholder project (2018) involving Nova Scotia Health and Community Services Safety Association (AWARE-NS), Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, and several others

This project’s work involved assessing the current state
of occupational health and safety within the home care, long-term care and disability support sectors in Nova Scotia, including
identifying probable root causes of work-related injuries.

Broken Homes

Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union

Nurses speak out on the state of long term care in Nova Scotia and chart a course for a sustainable future. Includes results of an NSNU survey of members working in long-term care, detailing workplace safety concerns, injuries, staffing, patient acuity, as well as their experience of violence, abuse and aggression.

Injury Stats: Everyone, Everywhere is Affected


2016 statistics on injuries by nature of injury, industry type, and part of body injured.