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Workplace Violence Toolkit

2013 Research

The following is a list of academic research on health care workplace violence, published in 2013.


Workplace aggression/bullying at the cross-roads: implications and recommendations

The papers in this special issue consider perspectives at multiple levels of analysis – individual, group and organizational – as a means of obtaining a more complete understanding of the whys and whereforths of workplace aggression/bullying.

Lee, Raymond. Brotheridge, Celeste. Workplace aggression/bullying at the cross-roads: implications and recommendations. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol. 28 (4). January 2013. Emerald Insight

Workplace aggression/bullying at the cross-roads: introduction to the special issues

This two-part special issue features ten papers that consider the process of workplace aggression and bullying. This article introduces each article and the central perspectives being utilized.

Lee, Raymond. Brotheridge, Celeste. Workplace aggression/bullying at the cross-roads: introduction to the special issues. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol. 28 (3). January 2013. Emerald Insight

Bullying in nursing and ways of dealing with it

This article considers recent research into bullying in the workplace, including its prevalence within the profession, causes and identification, as well as different types of bullying and its impact on victims. It also highlights research into combating, preventing and dealing with the problem.

Ludwig, Lowenstein. Bullying in nursing and ways of dealing with it. Nursing Times. March 2013. Vol. 109 (11). Nursing Times

Work-related PTSD

Work-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an important condition encountered by many occupational health practitioners. This article carries out an in-depth review of the research on occupational groups that are at particular risk of developing work-related PTSD.

Skogstad et al. Work-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Occupational Medicine. April 2013. Vol. 63 (3). Oxford Academic

Post-traumatic stress disorder in the nursing population: a concept analysis

This article is a report of an analysis of the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its application to the nursing population.

Mealer, Meredith, and Jones, Jacqueline. Post-traumatic stress disorder in the nursing population: a concept analysis. Nursing Forum. Vol. 48 (4). October-December 2013. PubMed Central

PTSD in psychiatric nurses and other mental health providers: a review of the literature

Psychiatric nurses are subject to a high rate of assault by patients. The stress of exposure to assault and the potential for assault appear to impact nurses’ emotional states in the form of post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This article presents a review of the current literature on this topic.

Jacobowitz, William. PTSD in psychiatric nurses and other mental health providers: a review of the literature. Issues in mental health nursing. Vol. 34(11). November 2013. PubMed Central

Evaluation of the Omega Training Program

An evaluation of the impact of Omega training program to prevent and manage aggressive patients. This report presents the results of a study conducted at the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal by researchers at the Studies Trauma Centre between January 2012 and November 2013.

Trauma Studies Centre: VISAGE research team. Evaluation of the Omega Training Program. Training Evaluation